High Voltage Megawatt Gallery

I don't do many lightning shots cause my camera isn't the best for it (digital..if I don't get it just right, I get noise). Here's a few of my shots:








Not too great in my opinion. I need a better camera for lightning shots and a better forground in the picture, such as an Arizonan mesa or something ;-)

Hi Melissa,

Those are some great shots! :D I used to shoot with a pretty noisy digital camera (Sony F707), and I know how the noise can be frustrating. Have you ever tried a noise reduction program like Noise Ninja or Neat Image? I have used both of these extensively, and they do a great job at reducing noise. I believe Neat Image has a free version with reduced functionality. It is more than sufficient for web postings.

Try them out. You won't be dissappointed.

Jeff - a BAT?! That looks more like a small hawk! :) That's a heck of a feat to get a bat in your picture, the way they fly. How cool!

Melissa...welcome to Club Voltage :)
You guys have a cool club ... all the nice shots in here made me want to get out of bed this morning just before sunrise to catch a squall line coming through:

[Broken External Image]:http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v143/mikeperegrine/0603Lightning0001a_filteredb.jpg

Sorry to cross-post from reports, but since this was a storm I just chased today I wasn't sure how to post it ... there's a couple more in the other thread: http://www.stormtrack.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=6700

Hopefully we'll get some more opportunity before the year is out -
...and Thor's hammer comes down!!! :o :D


Aaron - that is one sweet shot - unbelievable!!!
I would be tempted to take an 8x loupe to the image and scan the ground for weakly luminous upward streamers. Look at how close that lightning is to the ground. You'd think the stepped leader that generated right before that beastie would have a pull on something - blade of grass, anything.

Nice work! But do be careful y'all! They're so gorgeous but we're still dealing with serious megavoltage....

I bet the thunder on that was earth-shaking :) :shock: !

Aaron - I think you should submit that to Oklahoma Magazine!
Aaron... J.R.... wow :shock: Amazing captures (as you don't really shoot lightning, it shoots itself).

Glad you guys are still with us! :D