Guess the Tornado!!

Sam's pic does look a little like Andover 1991...when the tornado was crossing I-35. I don't think that it is the Andover tornado, but it sure looks a lot like it (I seem to remember a slightly more tilted condensation funnel and more bulbous mid-section with the Andover event). I really have no idea what tornado that is...which is surprising.

As far as Palm Sunday '65 is concerned, I am far more inclined to trust Tom Grazulis' rating over the "official" rating (


Edit: Perhaps Kansas City on May 4, 2003?
Since no one has gotten mine in about 18H, I'll just post the answer. It was the Marion, IL F4 of 1982. A link to more information, on NWSFO PAH's website can be found below.

Originally posted by Thomas Loades
Also, the one earlier that Rob Dewey posted isn't actually the Flint, MI tornado but the Erie, MI tornado . . . same day, little earlier — the one on the map that touched down at 1815. I think there weren't any (known to date) pictures of the Flint tornado because it was at twilight, or just after.

And since I technichally never should have even posted a photo, I'm gonna pass the torch on to Thomas, the first one to correct me.
Okay, you've got me. But there are at least a few visual clues:
* Photo definitely looks older
* Brown grass and bare branch suggests March or early April in the upper midwest.

With that to go on, was this part of the 1974 Superoutbreak?
well, here is what you do know.

like bob said, it has to be an early or late season tornado since the grass is dead and the trees are bare. It is more likely to be a spring pic. because you don't see any signs of dead leaves or any other signs that this is a pic from the late fall. So the months that this photo was taken was in all likelyhood march or april as bob said.

Now, it is also an older pic because of the car in the pic and also the pic itself shows its age. Its in color so its not too old, but not new either. sometime in the late 1960s, 1970s or early 1980s is likely the time period.

The tornado looks to be very strong, F3 or F4, and that means it prob. occured with others ahead of a large spring storm system which would have led to a fairly large outbreak.

All the said, its likely a strong tornado in the early spring that occured in the 1970s. Maybe a part of the super outbreak as bob said or maybe part of the red river outbreak in 1979?
Additional visual clues:

The bright lighting of the foreground objects in contrast to the darkness of the background may indicate the time frame.

The style of housing, the lack of clutter in the yards, the lack of tall trees seems to me to favor a recently-developed suburban area in flat terrain, possilby the Plains.
OK, well, you're right in that it's off-season, but it's not from either the Red River outbreak or the Superoutbreak — which is closer to this tornado's actual date.
Originally posted by Thomas Loades
OK, well, you're right in that it's off-season, but it's not from either the Red River outbreak or the Superoutbreak — which is closer to this tornado's actual date.

Wild guess--Salina KS 1973?
West Bloomfield, MI F4 March 20, 1976?

I guess Grillo would have probably posted the answer hours ago if that was the right tornado.