Good-looking storm is heading towards the eastern Med

It's been raining consistently for several hours now, not too much thunder though. The wind is gusting to about 35 mph here in Baghdad. I'm glad it's raining or we would have a pretty good sandstorm on our hands.
Originally posted by Steve_Stuck
Perhaps this storm had something to do with the Egyptian ferry sinking?,2933,183665,00.html

I was wondering the exact same thing - and came in to post the same question this morning. I was curious if this was associated with the same system that was moving through the eastern Med. this week ... sounds like very high seas at the time (and goodness knows ferries and rough weather do not seem to get along - particularly older boats) ...
Yes, it looks like this horrible event happened at least in part because of the storm that is moving through the Middle East.

Satellite images show massive thunderstorms over north-western Saudi Arabia during the approximate time the ship sank. I received a report that 40 mm fell there in 40 minutes. But the strong thunderstorms were restricted to land only and the Red Sea was not under heavy rain. However there were very strong winds associated with the storm and the sea was probably very rough.

The flooding images I posted above are from the coast of Israel on the Red Sea.
Here an idea for what may have caused the disaster. A seiche. I see them every now and then behind squall lines and derachos that cross Lake Michigan when I'm in Chicago. Although they are generally rare, strong derachos can build up fluid on the downstream side of a body of water and after a strong deracho propagates east it can cause water to oscolate westward and increase in amplitude due changes in sea/ lake depth. This is just an idea. Anway if someone can post some radar/ satellite data (from the time of the event), this might be helpful. Thank you.

Here are some related links:
I read that the ship disappeared from radar at midnight, so this should be the relevant satellite image (local time is UTC+2).

This is the best you can find, unfortunately, there is no radar or higher resolution satellite for that region that I know of.

The winds were very strong last night. Winds were gusting probably up to 45 mph. The rain ended earlier though. I could see winds being much stronger over the Red Sea closer to the center of the low. That's probably what sank the ship.

We need weather radar in more parts of the world. We need to start a campagin to bring NEXRAD technology to the rest of the world.
The winds were very strong last night. Winds were gusting probably up to 45 mph. The rain ended earlier though. I could see winds being much stronger over the Red Sea closer to the center of the low. That's probably what sank the ship.
I heard from news that the ship sank because of the fire..

We need weather radar in more parts of the world. We need to start a campagin to bring NEXRAD technology to the rest of the world.
Cannot agree more on that one, man :!:
The winds were very strong last night. Winds were gusting probably up to 45 mph. The rain ended earlier though. I could see winds being much stronger over the Red Sea closer to the center of the low. That's probably what sank the ship.
I heard from news that the ship sank because of the fire..

We need weather radar in more parts of the world. We need to start a campagin to bring NEXRAD technology to the rest of the world.
Cannot agree more on that one, man :!:

We're starting up just this year...We've got some radars but anything like Nexrad. But it's too later, men.

Good Day. I was hoping you could tell me the location/web address to obtain the satellite pictures you showed of the sandstorm. The quality was great and I'd love to see it. Thanks in advance. Cheers.

Good Day. I was hoping you could tell me the location/web address to obtain the satellite pictures you showed of the sandstorm. The quality was great and I'd love to see it. Thanks in advance. Cheers.

They have already given you an answer :wink:
"We need weather radar in more parts of the world. We need to start a campagin to bring NEXRAD technology to the rest of the world."

Barons has sold their systems worldwide, some countries I never would have imagined completely based on them!