Fun Storm Chaser Awards - Ideas???

Mar 2, 2004
Northern Colorado
Hey Gang!

Bordom has got me thinking.. what about some cheesy annual awards for storm chasing.. and some are a bit cheesy. As you'll see, this doesn't really focus on the storm chasers themselves, so its not like we're voting for best chaser. In some talk with a couple friends, here are a few awards we came up with...

Best Dressed Chase Vehicle - Awarded to the chaser and his/her vehicle whom has the most bumper stickers, the best vehicular artwork, etc.

Road Warrior Award - For the chaser who logged the most road miles (flying does not count).

Best Tornado State - Awarded to the state which yielded the best success for chasers, not just with the most tornadoes.

Worst Tornado State - Awarded to the state which was cursed more than any other.

Play of the Year - Awarded to the best "play" for the year. This can go to a single chaser or group of chasers. This is awarded for whomever made the best tactical/forecasting/lucky decision over the chase season, no matter how big of a fluke it might've been.

Day of the Year - Awarded to the single day of 2004 which yielded the greatest single chase day for chasers.

Dent of the Year - Awarded to the chaser/chasers whose vehicle suffered the worst storm-chase damage of 2004.

Fluke of the Year - Awarded to the single chase day which shouldn't have been. For example, a day when things weren't looking good at all, you went out and banked! Basically, a who'd of thunk it award!

Oops of the Year - Awarded to the biggest whoopsie moment of 2004. To use myself as an example, I would've voted me driving my car into a flooded ditch during a night chase in 2003. This doesn't have to mean dangerous stuff, it could even be driving 150 miles in the wrong direction, or filling your unleaded tank with diesel.

I'm open to suggestions, and we're not really voting here.. but if this gets good response, I'll open it to voting and I'll put up a page on my website and create graphic awards that the winners can put on their website. I'm also open for other categories or changes to those above.. again, this isn't a "Chaser of the Year" thing, so nothing like "Best Tornado Chaser", "Who got the most tornadoes" type things.. these can be dictated by nature herself, but at the same time, has a bit of chase moments in them.

If this gets good support, I'll do something like this..

Preliminary voting, getting the canidates and such, voting may last 2 weeks..

After prelims, narrow down to the top 3 to 5 in each category, then will do polls for a couple weeks, talley the results, and then name the winners.

Suggest on!

***EDIT*** Oh yeah guys.. have some fun with these... Be humerous.. just not too over-the-top, and keep it chase-related! :)
Best Tornado State Nebraska
Worst Tornado State Texas
Day of the Year May 29 - everyone who chased that day pretty much got a storm worth chasing
Fluke of the Year even though I didn't chase there that day there's no question it's April 20 in Illinois

not sure about the others - didn't really pay attention to who did what
I nominate David Drummond and Melissa Robinson for Dent of the Year. I remember how bad David's vehicle looked after the tornado/downdraft/whatever it was hit it. I'm just glad they were not seriously hurt. Also, didn't he get hit by lightning too? Yup, Dent of the Year! :D
How about Sapce Cadet of the Year? Goes to the person with the most busted chases.

I remember Shane Adams griping about how tornadoes avoided him this spring. Could be a nominee.
Originally posted by Douglas D. Lee
How about Sapce Cadet of the Year? Goes to the person with the most busted chases.

I remember Shane Adams griping about how tornadoes avoided him this spring. Could be a nominee.

Most tornadoes in a day (11)
Most tornadoes in a year (24)
Best tornado-to-chase ratio (1 in 2.5 chases)

Those are the career marks I set this year. Must have me confused with someone else.
Originally posted by David Wolfson
In the interest of cheesy chaser awards, and in recognition of Dave Draun's candidates, I propose Chase Team This Year Least Likely to Chase Together Next Year.... :blackeye:

That is a gimme award with no other competition :boxing:
Originally posted by Jay McCoy+--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Jay McCoy)</div>
<!--QuoteBegin-David Wolfson
In the interest of cheesy chaser awards, and in recognition of Dave Draun's candidates, I propose Chase Team This Year Least Likely to Chase Together Next Year.... :blackeye:

That is a gimme award with no other competition :boxing:[/b]

LOL!! I don't see them chasing again either! :violent3:
Being confined to chase West Michigan, taking care of my 75 year old father, 41 chases in West Michigan with 0 tornadoes, and then again there was only 3 weak F-0's, in West Michigan, one in Clinton County, that was never warned, one that was reported a day or two late from Montcalm County and one that was tornado warned, topple some trees a quick spin-up in Eaton County.

Here are some awards, I will nominate myself for:

Most Chases Without Seeing a Tornado in 2004. I chased 41 times in West Michigan without seeing a tornado.

Most (Sissy) Duds Storms in 2004 West Michigan storms are not known to produce much in the way of severe weather.

Most Frustrated Chaser 2000-2004 because I cannot go far, from home, because most of my time is taking care of my father who is old and walks with a cane. Family first, before storms is my motto.

King of Dud Storms 2004
(Darn you West Michigan again for not producing hardly any tornadoes)
Originally posted by mikegeukes
Being confined to chase West Michigan, taking care of my 75 year old father, 41 chases in West Michigan with 0 tornadoes, and then again there was only 3 weak F-0's, in West Michigan, one in Clinton County, that was never warned, one that was reported a day or two late from Montcalm County and one that was tornado warned, topple some trees a quick spin-up in Eaton County.

I should get a award of seeing the Most (Sissy) Duds Storms and Most Chases (41) in 2004 without seeing a tornado.


If it makes you feel any better, I was chasing near Lapeer county in 2003 when an F1 dropped down near Leonard, or about .25miles away from me, and I missed it due to some real excellent terrain, LOL.
Originally posted by Shane Adams+--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Shane Adams)</div>
<!--QuoteBegin-Douglas D. Lee
How about Sapce Cadet of the Year? Goes to the person with the most busted chases.

I remember Shane Adams griping about how tornadoes avoided him this spring. Could be a nominee.

Most tornadoes in a day (11)
Most tornadoes in a year (24)
Best tornado-to-chase ratio (1 in 2.5 chases)

Those are the career marks I set this year. Must have me confused with someone else.[/b]

Anything before 5/29/04 is not remembered by Shane (maybe 3/27 is)