Free web site hosts

Sep 25, 2006
Fremont, Indiana
Hey all,
Iw as wondering if anyone knows of a good site to use for Free websites other than Geocities, Tripod, oh yea, now add Bravenet to that list also.

I am looking for a new host because Bravenet has dropped me down to 5mb disk space, and won't let me do any editing because I am over 16 mg.

Any ideas would be great.

Free websites are not very good because the hosts don't make alot of money so in return they can't provide alot of features or offer the service a site like Dry line hosting can. I know money can be tight but if you can afford it you really should get a host. Some hosts are only 1-5$ a month but you get what you pay for. With Dry line hosting you pay from 2.95$ to 19.95$ a month depending on the plan you choose and it is worth it.

I used free a long time ago and the google adds were annoying and the fact that the domain name had free forums in it is why I will never go back to a free host again.
You can try
Pages are not very fast to load but served the purpose do depending on your requirement ,you may look into it.
Geocities closed up shop a month or two ago... I agree with the others here, there are paid solutions starting at a couple bucks a month that will make everything better than any free sites.
Yeah, don't do free. Bluehost, Liquid Web and Dryline Hosting are all good choices. But drop a few bucks if you want a website. It's worth it.
Thanks all,
I am trying to get everything going again after not working for 18 months, and that includes my chase van. and equiptment, although I have all the radios done.

thanks again.