Good day,
That was pretty much what I did over the holidays as I got two PC's up and running (including the laptop "failure" described here).
I initially got a desktop at TigerDirect and am very pleased with it. I tried the 32-bit Vista and some stuff worked on it, others did not (without costly upgrades). The desktop screams with quad-core 2.8 Ghz (each), HDMI 512 MB video, 22-n-1 card reader with floppy drive (to back up the hgard drives?), twin DVD, one with litescribe the other Blue-Ray, and two 1.5 TB hard drives (yup, 3,000 GB = That's over 4 MILLION 720k floppies if I wanna back it up) ;-)
Installing Vista did not see the large SATA drives, and the format process failed right before the "intstall" process of Vista "on a new machine". The XP Pro disk, however, DID see the drives, formatted them (as C and D) and after that (a work-around), I was able to install Vista. The work-around was to "start" installing XP off the install CD, get to the point where it formats the main drive, and then (after the format is complete), break-out of the install, and then put in the Vista install (which saw the large HDD's and installed fine after) ... Or, as I did later, skip Vista and just continue installing XP Pro
I notified Microsoft on this, and they DID get back to me with a hotfix. It was en email with a link to a zip file and password for it - I was so excited. The password to the zip file for the hot-fix did NOT work (a typo) ... Yup that's soooo typical.
Notifying them that the password did not work was about a month ago, still waiting. Meanwhile the desktop has long since been fixed to my liking, and after that I fore-gone with Vista on the desktop and installed XP Pro. Speed is the same, maybe faster than Vista 32, and - most importantly - it runs like a champ (with 99% of everything working fine).
Also, I am contemplating between CS3 and CS4 myself for adobe. Yeah, it's pricey, but I'm tired of using copied software anyway.
As for the laptop (the one I returned), I was unable to get XP Pro on it because the install blue-screened (the same XP Pro install that works so fine on my desktop). This might be a SATA hard-drive driver issue? My patience ran out and I already brought the unit back to Best Buy before I went into farther detail.
Best Buoy was a mistake ... I would never buy there again, and the "customer is right" will NOT work there. Trust me, I tried, but I might be able to deny the $125 fee on my Amex (if it's worth it).
Best Buy used to take such back with no hassles. This time, restock fee was 15% plus the $39.99 "optimization" package - Ouch! I tried to make every excuse and such ... Nearly made a scene ... But just walked out and let it go (later spoke with Amex for my Buyer's Assurance I have on my card - The same one that saved me $$$ thousands for hail destruction on my rental this past May near Pratt)!
The "Fresh" option is good and worth noting with the Vaio's. But you have to order on-line to get it, and I found the $800 laptop on SonyStyle was over $1,200 with the same options it had.
Also, this might be related to Vista 64 bit, and the extras that were supposedly "optimized" by Best Buy's "Geek Squat" at no extra charge (sigh). I definitely will research this more for a laptop only with XP Pro and what I need (or with ONLY Vista and service packs).
Even more so, and as agreeing with Foster's comments as well, my g/f in Chicago is an architect and considering the Vista / laptop I HAD ... A quick email with some of this "material" in this link changed her mind fast!
Thanks again...