Vista "PLUS the Garbage" is the problem...
Good day all,
Remember all the BS with the Vista / Laptop?
Well, I ate it and bought Vista Ultimate and installed it in a dual-boot / test bed on my Desktop after throwing in another HD and additional 4 GB (8 total) of RAM.
On one side is XP Pro (32 bit) with all my old stuff, and Vista 64 Ultimate on the other (500 GB disk is partitioned into 2 equal 250 GB units). The dual boot is where the OS chosen from a menu as the machine boots up.
The 2 1.5 TB drives are the additional SATA disks - data only, G: and H: - And the "my documents" directory is on one of them G: - So whether you boot XP Pro or Vista 64, you can see the same path for my files, music, pictures, etc.
Now experiementing with Vista 64, which was also on my new Sony laptop I returned to Best Buy (in a virtual rage) several months back ... I attempted to test / install those SAME programs on the Vista 64 partition on my desktop.
All of them loaded fine, into the "program files [386]" directory (non-64 bit). They ran OK, no errors, no installs bugging out and failing. I was so suprised ... and pleased.
Premiere 6.5, Corel Photo Paint, Adobe Audition, Avast AV all failed when trying to put them on the 64-bit Vista laptop back in late December. Either they would not install at all (with a fatal error) and / or would not run.
The only issue I noticed that my Lexmark 3850 driver (64 bit) was having problems in Vista, but I print / scan from the XP partition, so I did not really care much. After some finaggling, I was able to get it working in a limited fashion on the Vista platform.
In conclusion, I found that the problem was not Vista ... As I was to the point yelling and cussing Microsoft after returning the laptop and eating the 10% fees ... But the GARBAGE these compaies pre-install on these things!!
When you get a new laptop / desktop, it comes LOADED with trial-versions, limited-edition software ... Such as Microsoft Works, 60-day trials, etc.
Normally, removing these programs - Thinking you'll get a virgin OS afterwards is a mis-conception. This also removes some drivers, DLL's, and components.
Then, when you have spent hours and think you have a clean slate, you begin installing stuff, and that's when the bald spots get bigger. Nothing but frustration.
Always get a new Desktop / Laptop with a CLEAN OS ... Only the operating system (whether XP or Vista) AND the drivers solely for the computer ... No MS Works, no Google Toolbars, no Trials, nothing - Just the OS / drivers !!
Also, be careful when installing Windows ... This is besides a "copy a buddy" might have given you ... I installed windows on my desktop, then went to do it on my laptop, and got a message saying I could not re-use the license.
Ofcourse, I am getting a different approach, and buy each license for each computer I am putting it on. In the case of the second license above, Microsoft support was even able to give me a second key for it!
Microsoft is cracking down really hard on licensing and potential piracy - So everyone who is doing that, you won't get very far (like you did in Napster 1.0's days) ;-)