I came across this site a few years ago and the idea of a FCST thread was the main reason I signed up here. For the last 4 years that I have been chasing, I am surrounded with people who aren't as educated and forecast savy as I. Personally, I don't have many people that I can talk to and be like "Yo, what is your opinion on this setup?" without blowing their mind about 'convective inhibition advection coupled with warming seven hundred millibar temperature' or something that sounds absolutely absurd to a normal person. Yea, I am educated and all with a meteorology degree (and hopefully a MS in two years *crosses fingers*) and should know what I am talking about, however, I only know so much. I am human and not perfect and that is why I post here. I like to look at others concepts on setup's and listen to their opinion. After that they would usually list their target area and explain why. Using that I double check my reasoning for my positioning and see if I overlooked something. This helps to expand my knowledge, not only on the setup but make myself a better forecaster overall.
That post on the reports thread yesterday really pushed some buttons for me (and triggered a dumb response that got me in trouble, opps
). It opened my eyes to just how crazy the public has gotten with severe weather and what ends they will go to see some action. Realizing that the amount of people like this are growing exponentially with every photo and video that gets put on the web/tv, this problem is beginning to take over. Going back and looking at the FCST threads, I see so many "what is the weather going to do here" or "could storms hit me" posts that never would of existed a few years ago. Each post is space being wasted and holding me back from a potential learning experience. Not only that, but my forecast that I entered could cause someone to actually go there (believing that I would never ever change my target area, hah) now just frustrates me to an incredibly high level. I am responsible for myself and though I may say what I am going to do, I do it for others to learn in the way that I use their own, not for a lazy person of the public with no knowledge to wander out there and get killed.
So after that small rant, I guess what I am saying (I already brought it up to Skip) is let us try to find a way to actually bring back the old target area sub-forum that would benefit us all and heck, maybe save some idiots life? I am not sure how to weed out all the people that know nothing and are leechers. It would be hard to do it with post count because that isn't everything. Obviously join date may not work since that person that posted yesterday joined over a year ago. Perhaps an essay like there used to be to join the forum? Maybe recommendations by moderators? (Although that could keep things linked to a personal level. I don't personally know most of you on here and heck, I could come across as a leecher in the eyes of some). Perhaps start a private message group? Despite all the ideas, I think this is a serious problem that we need to address right away.
In the meantime, I guess I will take my losses and just post more broad forecasts in hopes of someone not getting stupid ideas and actually being able to put a exact place on the map. It may not expand my thinking outside the box as much as I would like, but I really don't have elsewhere to go...