Evapotranspiration guidance 2009

Sep 26, 2007
Winnipeg, MB CANADA
I've starting posting my evapotranspiration (ET) outlooks again. They can be found on my website: http://members.shaw.ca/wxdog/FPWDs.htm [look for Evapotranspiration Outlook]. This is my subjective assessment by looking at soil moisture conditions and crop progress. The outlook also has a link to describe ET in more detail. Let me know if you have any questions. I hope to update the site every week or two. Please note the current outlook is already a week old...though still of some value to chasers/forecasters. But for those that can't be bothered to check out the site, here is the summary of last week's outlook:


The primary areas for ET over the next 3 weeks May [beginning May 3] will be TX, OK, CO and KS with winter wheat entering it's max ET phase. However, the crop conditions are generally poor in OK and TX and this will hinder ET potential in those areas.

Through much of May the prime areas for ET enhancement will be in KS and CO. Winter wheat is entering the “headingâ€￾ phase is these areas. Combined with excellent soil moisture, high ET potential is in place. Upslope ET-enhanced moisture into eastern CO could be quite notable this year. ET-enhanced moisture advection into NE from KS is also possible.

The longer term outlook currently shows decent ET potential for June in the northern half of the Plains. Soil moisture conditions are generally better than the past few years. However, continuing cool weather could push the ET peak back a bit into July over the eastern Northern Plains. Upslope ET-enhanced moisture into MT could be quite evident during June and early July this year.

The Canadian Prairies currently have the best ET potential over eastern areas with the peak likely in July. The Western Prairies are rather dry this year. However, May and June tend to be the wettest months, so all of that could easily change.
