Does it Cost $$$ To Join ST Now??

wow...its 5 dollars. This thread is about as useful a a cranky old fat bitch at walmart holding up the line because she got overcharged 50 cents for a pack of tampons.

I think its a good idea.

My thoughts exactly. It's just a one-time fee of $5. It's funny to see a group of people who spend hundreds and thousands of dollars on storm chasing (equipment, services, hotels, food, etc..) complain about a one-time fee of $5 for something they can and will use all year 'round.
The annual subscription rate to the print version of ST was a lot more than $5 and needed to be renewed every year. I'll gladly pay a one-time $5 fee to keep ST running, and already did via a past voluntary contribution.
My interest in StormTrack faded away when Tim began letting non-chasers become members here.
I'm not really sure how this idea about us being an exclusive site got started. Stormtrack is as much about storms as about chasing, and our application process has centered primarily on weeding out non-serious applicants before they become a problem. From the very start we've gotten steady streams of quality applicants that don't quite fit the chaser litmus test: people "about to chase", undergraduate meteorology students, spotters, emergency management officials, NWS employees, and people who just love meteorology and are up to this subject area. Do we toss their accounts in the trash? During the past 32 years, that's not what Stormtrack has been about.

If you want an exclusive forum only for serious chasers, get vouched for CFDG and get involved there. They run things very, very well and there's nice overlap with the research community there. Stormtrack is not going to try to build the same boat as there's only room for one. Our site has always been about being a good middle ground between the general public and dedicated chasers, with a very intense focus on quality and signal-to-noise, and that's where our niche will remain. Everyone is entitled to gravitate towards the communities that interest them most. If some of you find greener pastures to go to, I wish you well, but we'll be keeping this pasture right where it is.

My interest in StormTrack faded away when Tim began letting non-chasers become members here. I remember when StormTrack only allowed active storm chasers and meteorologists on here, and when someone made a post I knew they spoke from experience as a storm chaser and I could learn from that. That's not the case anymore, many times I've seen someone make posts about storm chasing strategies or something similar only to find out the person isn't a storm chaser and never has chased. I know I've mentioned this before, but I stand by what I say and truly believe that it was a disservice to us all when Tim began letting non-chasers on here.

It'd be wonderful to know just how long there was any stretch where ST only allowed "storm chasers". This has been gone over a billion times, including Tim Marshall having to chime in to clear up what "ST was about" and "who it was for."

Like everyone is able to say so easily over $5, whatever, etc etc etc......if it's such a problem, start your own forum.

As far as I know, ST has the far majority of its existence, been for anyone liking storms. It only mingled in the "chaser only" thoughts for short periods of time. I wish either ST would adopt that or someone else would just start that sort of forum, not because I give a damn if non-storm chasers/just storm enthusiasts are on here, but because it's sort of old(the topic, not the current "state"). That and I'd love to see just how much it "clears up the problems". IMO there's more cans of worms there than it is worth, but whatever.

Edit: Posted same time as Tim. It's nice to finally see someone in the know actually say something.
I could swear that at one time StormTrack was a closed/invite only membership for only active storm chasers. I could be wrong, and maybe I am, but I swear that was the case at one time. StormTrack is still a great forum, I just get bitter about non-chasers being on here when you see them posting things that criticizes active chasers on how they chase or they just post garbage that makes no sense such as the case with the whole cardioid stuff.
This kind of dovetails into the discussion but myself and the mods have been discussing the idea of creating an annual Stormtrack scholarship, with the first one announced in January. If anyone has thoughts on this or think that this may be overstretching Stormtrack's scope, we'll be glad to hear feedback about the idea. We aren't discussing eligibility or requirements at this stage though.

This kind of dovetails into the discussion but myself and the mods have been discussing the idea of creating an annual Stormtrack scholarship, with the first one announced in January. If anyone has thoughts on this or think that this may be overstretching Stormtrack's scope, we'll be glad to hear feedback about the idea. We aren't discussing eligibility or requirements at this stage though.


I think it's already been covered with Eric Nguyen's scholarship. But sometimes the more the merrier.
This kind of dovetails into the discussion but myself and the mods have been discussing the idea of creating an annual Stormtrack scholarship, with the first one announced in January. If anyone has thoughts on this or think that this may be overstretching Stormtrack's scope, we'll be glad to hear feedback about the idea. We aren't discussing eligibility or requirements at this stage though.


So ST has been taking measures to collect funds not just so they can pay for the server and operating costs? News to me. I think it'd be awesome if a scholarship or something of the sort could continue to be handed out. This is the kind of stuff I was seeking in my original post, all this money coming in (anyone with any sense would suspect it's more than enough to cover "server fees") and it had to be going somewhere, but yet no indications of where and or how it was being allocated (that I had seen, and was merely what I seeked). Not only did it now cost a fee to join, but it was still implied donations were needed to help cover costs to "operate the site" I think anytime donations are requested and or received, it's only right to disclose how that money is being allocated. I personally will be much more willing to throw into the pot, knowing how funds are being spent, than I would be if I was just told it was needed for server fees, when I know enough revenue is generated to cover those costs and that my money is most likely aiding someones hidden interests.
You know who's opinion I would really like to hear about on this Tim Marshall's and David Hoadley's. That's some opinions that would hold weight with me.
I hated it four years ago, but today I love the "Core" idea. There needs to be a place that's a hybrid of ST and CFDG; serious content by seasoned chasers without military standards/forced contribution pressure. The ST Core was actually perfect, but back then I was still new enough to worry about everyone's feelings. Nowadays, I want quality. I think ST is great for what it is, and CFDG as well....but somewhere in the middle of those two lies potential for an amazing forum/list that would serve the majority of serious chasers. It's been 15 years now with the net and it still doesn't exist, so I'm not hopeful it will appear anytime soon, if ever. But man, what a concept.
Maybe you could take the extra money and stipend the vets to contribute again so this place will be a viable resource. ha...

Unless you start a 501(c)3, a scholarship is a bad idea. You have to account for the money you take in and spend. Unless you're looking for write offs for an existing company, I wouldn't be handing out money for free.
That's not a Storm Track scholarship.
I know that....but it's where a lot of chasers already contribute funds for a chase related scholarship. I know I'd give to that fund before ST. Frankly, I don't plan on ever giving a donation to ST. I simply think that I'd rather put the money toward something like Eric N. scholarship because it has a great benefit than ST does. (So stick it Steve M./OK...j/k, from your post a while back).
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Why? I thought they handed things over to Tim V.
I say that because they basically started and continued the Stormtrack name for many more years than it has been an online forum. Also the fact that they are still members here and post from time to time (almost exclusively on the Forecast/Nowcast/Reports side). I'm also pointing out that they hold more weight with me personally because I respect them over almost everyone else on this forum.