Disturbing Video of day after

Mar 3, 2004
Marion Illinois
Just all the damage is a very disturbing picture. Disaster is right & the economy will suffer. We feel for all those people there. We are praying for them along gulf coast.
I just got finished watching the first video that was shown on Fox News. All I can say is this is easily the most incredible, worst catastrophe from a natural cause I have ever seen on American soil. It is completely disturbing. The wide angle views... with Lake Pontchetrain in the background. Absolutely phenominal.

I read the entire series on NOLA.com about "the big one". If this wasn't it for N.O.. it is damn close. If water keeps filling the bowl like it looks like it is doing.. Katrina = "The big one". Sick.

Mike U
Lake ponchetrane is very large how large? Anyone know post here. Fixing the levy breach I dont think so. I was here for flood of 93. Levys dont get fixed until after its done emptying all over the farmland. Truly a historic event. Just breaks the heart.
Last night at work someone said how can ya consider living on a bowl....I said how can we consider living on the planets potentially most dangerous fault line (New Madrid). Total silence lemmie tell ya....
There's a video on CNN of a young reporter interviewing a guy who just walks up. She(the reporter) is in tears not even halfway into the interview. The guy lost his wife and is walking around with his two sons. The guy's wife told him that he couldn't hang onto her forever and to take care of the kids and their grandkids.

Very sad indeed...it's one thing to see the destruction of homes but when you see the destruction of lives, it's very different. Hopefully we can see some joyous reunions before this is all done.

Lake ponchetrane is very large how large? Anyone know post here. Fixing the levy breach I dont think so. I was here for flood of 93. Levys dont get fixed until after its done emptying all over the farmland. Truly a historic event. Just breaks the heart.

The lake is the size of London (630 sq miles) and averages at about 12 foot deep. That's a lot of water :(

Modulous Prime
There's a video on CNN of a young reporter interviewing a guy who just walks up. She(the reporter) is in tears not even halfway into the interview. The guy lost his wife and is walking around with his two sons. The guy's wife told him that he couldn't hang onto her forever and to take care of the kids and their grandkids.

Very sad indeed...it's one thing to see the destruction of homes but when you see the destruction of lives, it's very different. Hopefully we can see some joyous reunions before this is all done.

I thought it was amazing how well the 3 looked considering just a few hours before they were on a roof top with water sweeping by tearing his wife out of his hands..... but I don't know so I won't say what I think.

Just remember people grow up scamming and can put on a game even quicker in times like this.
I hate to admit it David, but that immediately crossed my mind the first time I saw that clip too. And actually, for his sake, I hope we're right. If not, then God be with that family.

Unfortunately, all those years as a cop has made me overly cynical.