Shane Adams

Is there any way to get the "delete" option back for general posts? I've had a few instances where I really just wanted to delete an entry and all I can do is type "disregard". I've seen alot of these. IMO having the delete ability would eliminate those needless "disregard" posts.

Apologies if this issue has already been discussed; I don't spend much time in the "troubleshooting" forums :wink:
Originally posted by Shane Adams
Is there any way to get the "delete" option back for general posts? I've had a few instances where I really just wanted to delete an entry and all I can do is type "disregard". I've seen alot of these. IMO having the delete ability would eliminate those needless "disregard" posts.

Apologies if this issue has already been discussed; I don't spend much time in the "troubleshooting" forums :wink:

In absolute agreement.... I SO wish the delete option came back. I have wanted to delete dozens of posts... And I end up having to edit them and put "..." and wait for a moderator to delete it. Is there a way to bring the delete option back -- and add the delete option to post even when someone replied UNDER it? I know that I couldn't delete something once someone replied under the post... I would imagine there could be something done about this, since mods can delete anything... So I would imagine it's possible for the author to do it too.
There are times that I'd definitely like to be able to delete some bonehead comment I make, but I don't know ... not having it is also kind of a restraint from a lot of bogus stuff. If there's a discussion or debate going on, the fact that there is no delete key forces people to stick with better arguments rather than resort to pettiness and then just have the ability to take it back later, which leaves out the details of how the discussion evolved. When people delete comments themselves it often leaves some pretty big gaps that don't make much sense. I kind of like being able to see how many times someone edited a comment ... gives you an idea of whether people are willing to change their tune based on peer pressure or if their comments are sound enough to stand on their own. I will often edit a post several times just to clarify something or remove something I realize was way off - sometimes it seems like a race against time to edit before others start posting after you, but the comment is usually forced into being better quality that way ...

Now ... forget everything I just said ... (j/k)
How do I delete a Post? I am trying to get rid of my dupe post about the arrest of the TWC crew in TN. I have done "Full Edit" and looked thoroughly for a "Delete" button/option, but I don't see it.

I apologize if I'm simply overlooking it, but some of my PM's and this topic indicate there is a Delete option available.


EDIT: Okay, I see by my post here that it does show up. I am assuming it must not show up if the post is the first in a new thread. Thanks, I am sane again, or at least as sane as I was before.