Chase vehicle...what's yours for 2005?

I will be using my 2000 Tahoe for its second year but this year it has some different bumpers. This is thanks to a highschool kid hitting me and pushing me into the truck infront of me.


Nothing like a chase vehicle that was put togeather properly and everything is where you need it. DavidD showed his electrical knowledge and spent countless hours the week before last years chase season.

More pics at

-Graham Butler
The virile young Tahoe will again be our escort this year.

[Broken External Image]:

Young = It doesn't have 360,000 on the our resting, geriatric-but-still-loved Explorer.

I don't wanna hear about the reliability of folks' old >insert your make here< that has been dragged kicking and screaming into the 200,000's.....bah! :lol:

Hi Jay,
Looks cop-like (red/wht/blue lights). Do you find that people mistake you for police? That used happen to me once in awhile on the Plains when I drove a white Chevy truck. I have never used any kind of overheads, but antennas alone were enough to make truckers think I might be the next bear coming. Guess it depends on the state. Curious, do you find that people slow down around you? LOL
Jay, do the lights serve a chase related purpose?


I'll butt in and speak for Jay since we seem to end up chasing together pretty regular lately. He works with the Amarillo Emergency Service and thus uses his vehicle for two purposes. I have never at any time seen him use those lights in a chasing capacity.