Chase Case #2 (2010 version)

Ah drat. I guess I'll have to settle for distant shots of the lightning playing along the backside of the system as I'm too far behind it...
I knew I shouldn't have stopped for that beef jerky...
Looks like I won't see anything today. Congrats to Bob for seeing it from the last update. I've got to remember to equate the terms "Northwest flow severe weather event" with "Illinois" in the future.
I am going to head to Springfield, IL as well. I'll hang out with Jesse at a Cracker Barrel for lunch (Jeremy, you are invited as well!). Then call Kevin, telling him to get down to Springfield since he doesn't have a data card :)

Dude, lay off me. I'm raising funds for a data card!

Hopefully I was burning up the road towards Peoria and got on that Washington, IL storm. The chase is on!
I'm going to be cutting it close (but be saved by the 25 mph storm motions), but when I get to Springfield, IL I'll shoot up I-55 to ILX and then jog north on I-155 a few miles, which should put me in position to intercept the cell now entering the Peoria area somewhere in western McLean county, probably around the US 136 interchange.
Had to call in a rain check with Ryan and Kevin. :)

From composite images, looks like storms in eastern IL are firing on the morning outflow boundary. At 20Z, I would have arrived at Barry, IL on Hwy 36 and looks like a decent cell has fired north of here, currently in southern Adams County. I'm going to check this one out. Possibly moving toward Pittsfield, IL if it holds together and moves where I can keep an eye on it. If not, I'll keep moving east on I-72 if to intercept more mature cells currently over Peoria.
As I saw the storms errupting to my NE, I flew up route 24 to Peoria, IL instead of taking I-72 to Springfield. However, my decision to core the storm was not a smart one...those baseballs did wonders to my poor jeep. I'm out of the chase...calling triple A right now.
Well, I'll be! How the heck did I pull that one off? Fast driving and a lot of luck, I guess. I sure don't feel very smart, but regardless, I'm on that Peoria storm. Hey, there's L. B. I need to take lessons from you, pal--you got the right idea once the day-of 12Z came in. I got snookered by that stupid mid-level low out there in Nebraska--speaking of which, I'd really like to know whatever became of that thing. Did it even really exist? Talk about your red herrings.

Thanks for the case, Danny. This has been a tough nut to crack. I've got plenty to learn about northwest flow events in the Great Lakes, but I think this one has been a bit unusual.