Sweet, it's good to hear so many are not wanting to chase the slight risks. A large chunk of the cooler storms I've seen were slight risk days. Risks mean ziltch to me and I'm not sure why they'd mean much to others. You can have a fantastic setup with only a couple storms likely to develop and be in a slight risk. Or you can have a higher risk, high speed unidirectional shear, and low instability...and know in your head it's going to suck.
Here are a few crappy slight risk chase days I can recall.
(yikes May 12, 2004 sc KS was a slight risk too....wished I'd have chased that day)
2004 was FULL of "crappy slight risk" days. Most of mine above have 2004 dates. Plus the May 12 day I just mentioned(think long lived flying saucer tornadic beast). Just found this one too, July 7, 2004 a fairly good sized tornado outbreak in nc KS. That one storm up there that day was on TWC over and over and had some of the best structure in all of 2004....and that is saying something. May 10, 2004 slight risk. Tornadic machine east of Denver anyone?
So I don't know. I'll be glad if the roads are really more vacant on all these horrible slight risk days.