Cell Phone Net Connection?

Aug 28, 2004
Sylacauga, Alabama
I saw where someone in another post stated that they used voice minutes to connect to the internet to gather data. I was curious if this was possible through T-Mobile? I have 1500 minutes and have plenty to spare and it would be wonderful if I could use them to connect. What equipment would I need to do this also? Thanks!
The only two carriers this works with to the best of my knowledge is Verizon and Alltel. They both work off of a loophole in their Downloadable Applications script on the phone, where it thinks it is the phone, not a laptop dialing in and is patching it through to the internet. It is known to both companies however, so there are no legalities or violations on your contract to be worried about.
Cingular does have (or at least did up to very recently) an option for Circuit Switch Data (CSD), which allows you to dial into an ISP. I thought it was a $4/mo option or smoething like that. I use GPRS data (through MediaNet), so I just 'dial into' *99# (Cingular's data line).
So what would I need to purchase from Verizon in order to get this internet data? Does their program provide a means to surf the web or does one need to get something like AOL also?
From what I understand you need to get a Verizon phone and one of their numerous plans, then you must purchase a cell modem (which runs from around 150+ dollars) then a cord runs between the phone and your laptop. When you connect the network recognizes the signal as a cell phone and uses your minuets as if you were making a call.
Thanks. While not knowing about the cell modem hardware, I'll look into it. I guess it makes sense that you need a jack to plug into the phone just like you need one for the modem in the laptop. Verizon is 1 mile from my house, so I will pay them a visit tomorrow. Any more input? please feel free to post.
They also have wireless PCMCIA cards (looks like a network card, but it's a wireless). T-mobile has an amplifier and external mag-mount antenna you can get and get service just about anywhere (where you normally wouldn't have service)
Howie I don't think you need any cell modem with verison to get data. Well I use verizon and don't have a cell modem so I guess I should say I know you don't. I believe the product is called "mobile office" or something like that. All it is is a cd with software and a cable. With it all I do is dial my local ISP number and connect, the phone acts like the modem. It does have to be in a digital area though. But all I have is a cable that runs to a serial or usb spot and to my phone.....no pcmcia modem.

And some digital towers don't seem to support cdma or whatever that is called for digital data, but at least in the plains this hasn't been that common(and seems to be changing in areas for the better).
No, god no, don't go there and ask them. They will try to set you up on a dedicated data account. All you need to do is go buy a phone, go to RadioShack, get the FutureDial cable (don't buy the software), get a few settings, and you're off.
Please forgive my confusion here, but is the "FutureDial" cable compatible with Verizon Samsung phones? Also, a confusing question that still linger is...whose number do you dial to get the data and is there a separate account needed to surf. IE..AOL has an AOL number to dial and you use their browser. Does VZ Wireless have the same thing? How do I actually dial in and get the data?

Thanks in advance for being tolerant.
I purchased the mobile office kit and no ISP was needed.

Pick "Quick 2 Net" when you dial with their software and it will remove minutes from your voice plan. No data plan required.

I've not tried it without the mobile office kit so I can't help there.
Please forgive my confusion here, but is the "FutureDial" cable compatible with Verizon Samsung phones? Also, a confusing question that still linger is...whose number do you dial to get the data and is there a separate account needed to surf. IE..AOL has an AOL number to dial and you use their browser. Does VZ Wireless have the same thing? How do I actually dial in and get the data?

Thanks in advance for being tolerant.

After you get your cable all you need to do is go to FutureDials website and download the driver for your phone. Verizon works the same as Sprint and Globalstar, what you need to do is go into Windows network connections and setup and new connection for your cell phone. It is no different than setting up for cable or DSL or even dial up service, one thing you are going to need is a user name and password form Verizon, now if you already use Verzons website for billing and to check you plan and stuff that user name and password might work if it doesn't call them and ask for one. Once you set up the connection (this is only used for 3G phones or the newer ones) the number is #777 it really does not dial the number but ths will let you access the interent with you phone. Then you just bring up explorer and go to what website you want, it won't be DSL speeds but it should be somewhere around 70K. Now I never could get a new Sprint ot Verzoin 3G phone to dial out the old way by just dialing up my own ISP, before the 3g phone when the digital phones came out that is how I used to do it.