Call for Humorous Chase/Related Video Material

Mar 4, 2004
Kalamazoo, Michigan
Greetings everyone,

The National Storm Chaser Convention is about two months away; and I’m starting the early stages of putting together a 30 minute presentation on the lighter aspects of chasing/chase related humor. I’m placing a call for video to anyone with humorous (appropriate) video (or audio quotes chopped full of hilarity) captured from this or any previous chase season. Basically; anything goofy (encounters with locals, wildlife, bizarre sights, incidents before/during/after a chase, etc) I’ll accept and see if I can work it into a video. All submissions would be fully credited and no profit would be gained; however would (if included) be publicly displayed.

Submissions can be provided on VHS/SVHS, Digital 8, or DVD; and I would be happy to reimburse any shipping charges. Any help with material would be greatly appreciated. Please email any responses to me privately off-list ([email protected]) - Thanks!

Looking forward to a great convention!

Blake Naftel
I will point you in the direction of Dave Crowley. Not sure if he got the entire event on tape but he got most of Dave's and my close encounter with a cow on March 27th. With enough prodding he might let a copy of that humerous event go.....I wouldn't mind hearing the conversation from their end b/c I know our coversation couldn't exactly be described as "PG".

-Graham Butler
Well Blake! I know you got buttloads from May 13 from me with more on the way from other moments.. I'll have to send you some older footage from last season, too!

James's highlights
The Cow Eating my Camera

Good stuff! Can't wait!