Bad chase year - change of plans for 06?

Mike Johnson

I was just wondering how many chasers will change
their plans for next year given this year's poor chasing.
I have spoken with a few chasers who plan to cut back
next year.

If I have the funds available, I will make a trip to the plains next year... Nick Grillo has already surpassed me, now I feel obligated to exceed him! :lol:

Actually though, with the year being so "crappy", I am inclined to think that even MORE chasers will be out next year, just to make up for the loss of 2005 (that is, if you had a loss in 2005 - some have done very well).
Originally posted by Mike Johnson
I was just wondering how many chasers will change
their plans for next year given this year's poor chasing.
I have spoken with a few chasers who plan to cut back
next year.


So basically, these people had one bad year and are starting to just give up? I can't read any other explanation into that quote.
Never give up ... never give in.

Even this year has been interesting in several respects ... the structure on the supes caught by Magliocco and Hollingshead have been nothing short of stellar ... even though the tornadoes haven't been as numerous, there has been plenty to see out there. Every year is just different ... gotta go with the flow - - - (500 mb flow that is) :)
I don't really see the point in trying to plan next year's chase schedule based on this year's season. So what if the last couple of years were crazy and this is just more of a "normal" year? We're gonna get good chase days regardless. Take it as it comes, if you ask me.
I think that if someone heavily invested in this year and maybe had a few too many busts that they may find a new hobby, yes.
Its like fishing and hunting some people do get discouraged and move on. Chasing might be a fad for some (not me) and if they arent having fun anymore they could give up, just as easily as with anything. Lets face it if you gotta fly into the plains, rent a car, stay in hotels its expensive to say the least. Average trip cost would be easily $1000 to $1500 before the equipment, not a cheap hobby.
Originally posted by bill mudd
I think that if someone heavily invested in this year and maybe had a few too many busts that they may find a new hobby, yes.
Its like fishing and hunting some people do get discouraged and move on. Chasing might be a fad for some (not me) and if they arent having fun anymore they could give up, just as easily as with anything. Lets face it if you gotta fly into the plains, rent a car, stay in hotels its expensive to say the least. Average trip cost would be easily $1000 to $1500 before the equipment, not a cheap hobby.

I agree, but I think most true chasers will always remain "chasers". By that, I mean they will usually "arm chair" chases that they can not get to, or whatever. A true chaser will never lose interest altogether, at least in my opinion. Perhaps some who have invested heavily in 2005, money-wise, will cut back on 2006 simply because they exhausted their resources, but that's the most I can see. I don't see chasers like Shane Adams, Nick Grillo, Amos, etc. saying "screw this, 2005 was crappy, so I quit"...

I do not think this year has been a "crappy" chase year, I have had tons of fun and shot tons of excellent video footage! Just had to work harder for it than last year which doesn't bother me. I plan on having alot more money etc. next year and will chase twice as much and travel to Oklahoma, Texas etc. much more than I have this year so far. I've still got the rest of June and the months of July, August, September, and October to see more storms so "chase season 2005" isn't over by a long shot for me yet. :D
I am not cutting back any in 2006. In fact 2006 I plan on chasing well over 30 chases. I am also moving to NE so I don't have to leave my freck'n state. lol jk I could never leave Oklahoma. I see no point in cutting back becuase I had a great time this year even though I didn't get hours and hours of tornado video. The only thing I regret this year is not getting some great mothership supercell pics. Hoping for more in 2005 and looking on to 2006.

No Bitch'n from the Mick'n!

I am actually going to plan a chase vacation next year along with regular chasing activities. My brother (who makes 190K a year) is going to be purchasing me a HD Camcorder for X-Mas this year, which has me very excited for chasing next year. Not to be a bragger, but my chasing activity next year will be even more than this year.

I will never give up or cut back on something I love doing, each storm is different and each chase is different.

I've had a horrible year this year....Ive been stuck at work when chase days have presented themselves, the days I have been raring to go have been non-productive, and Ive hardly gotten any chasing in this year...even though I live in some of the best, prime chase territory in the world.

Does that mean I am going to quit? Hardly. It's "in the blood" so to speak. This year for me might be horrendous but why would that make me even THINK of quitting? Sure, I joke about it sometimes, yes, out of sheer frustration . Sure I complain and whine when the realities of my spirituality, paying bills, working a career , and the concerns of my family outweigh the passionate pursuit of chasing severe weather... but quit? In reality, No way, no how.

The reality is I will ALWAYS have that fascination for severe weather, I have had it since I was 4 years old... no way I can lose it now on behalf of a bad season. I will ALWAYS love the thrill of the chase, and weather is one thing that always changes... no chase is ever the same and I guarantee you later this year, next year, or whenever, if the opportunity is there and I am able to, I will be out there with nature witnessing the spectacle of atmospheric violence and beauty.

There are those who I believe were spoiled by the last couple of years. This year, the game has just been set to the "difficult" level. Does that mean you stop playing? Not at all. You keep on keeping on, learning, growing in knowledge.

Once a chaser, ALWAYS a chaser. Cutting back on chasing is impossible for those addicted to the experience. Those who give up now will, if they truly are indeed a chaser, absolutely regret their decision...and they will be back.
Originally posted by Ben Prusia
My brother (who makes 190K a year) is going to be purchasing me a HD Camcorder for X-Mas this year, which has me very excited for chasing next year.

What's his number? Tell him you have a really good freind by the name of Mickey and he needs a new HD Camcorder also. Ben you know I have always concidered you and I close. Like brothers you know....


Cut back??? No way!!

I'll be chasing until I am in a nursing home on a breathing machine unable to move, or unable to afford financially. Even then i'll probably still be watching the situation closely from my bed.

Slumps and hot streaks come and go, just like in sports. 2005 is probably a "slump" in most eyes, I would have to agree to a point. Chasing is something that is in my blood, along with many other chasers, nothing is going to change that. Bad chase seasons are going to happen, thats a givin. No amount of slumping will ever touch those that truly live for this stuff.

Always remember- A slump usually means a hot streak is right around the corner.
This year has no impact on my decision to chase. That just seems crazy to me. Maybe some got spoiled by 2004, I don't know. I can understand if someone has financial or personal obligations that would cause them to cut back on chasing. But just because photogenic tornadoes have not fallen at your feet this year is no reason to give up. If it is, then you never had the passion and probably should find something else to do anyway.

There is no way we'll see less chasers next year than this or any other. The storm chaser community is now worldwide and growing and is proving to be a profitable business for some (like it or not). I met chasers from the UK and Australia in Kansas this year, which is awesome, and I hope they don't get deterred from chasing next year due to a few cap busts.

Personally, I'll have more time to chase next year because I'm now in grad school and won't have 6-7 classes a semester. I hope my cruiser can last that long...need to get the 30,000 mile checkup. It'd be nice to have a spring season next year instead of jumping directly from winter to early summer.