Australia - Hunter Valley / Mid North Coast Storm Chase - 28th December 2012

Mar 19, 2004
Mt Warrigal, NSW, Australia
Nothing special, but may relieve SDS. Three storms, three very different characteristics- all non-severe, but the second storm did form on a triple point, unfortunately the warm moist sector was thin, just another 500m of moisture depth and we could have had a left moving supercell. The area this formed in is no stranger to supercells and is the same area as the only possible F5 recorded in Australia (in 1974 I think?). The area juts into the coastal moisture just that bit further, it also marks an area were warm ocean currents tend to be in closer to shore.

If nothing else the video should be a nice scenery view of eastern Australia, and its crap chase countryside - another piece of trivia highlighting the poor chase country is that our chase route took us within 5 miles of the this state's tallest tree at 277feet. The video is highly edited with time lapse and commetary.

Lastly to best view the timslapse, especially of the second storm, HD 1080 is best as contrast appears better, even better fullscreen.

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Nice video Michael. I contemplated targeting the triple point north of Newcastle; however, I didn't make the drive since I was concerned about the lack of low-level moisture.

The area this formed in is no stranger to supercells and is the same area as the only possible F5 recorded in Australia (in 1974 I think?).

The violent tornado occurred on 1 January, 1970 – what a way to start the New Year. The tornado track is reported to be 22 km long and up to 1.6 km wide. At 0900 EST, the mean sea level pressure analysis chart shows a 993 hPa low over central New South Wales. Upper wind data from Coffs Harbour at 1500 EST reveals a 60 knot NNE'ly low-level jet at 850 hPa. Dew points were also around 20 to 22°C along the Mid North Coast. Quite an amazing set up.