Jason McIntosh
As many of us in the Upper Midwest now know; Winter has arrived. The blast of cold air from Canada was a return to what Winter can be like here in WI. I was at work tonight and got bored so I tried a couple of weather experiments with the cold air. I wanted to see how fast water at hot and cold temperatures would react to the cold air outside. It was approx -8 F and a wind chill of approx -21 F when I conducted this experiment. I tossed a cup of hot water into the air onto the concrete outside and timed it at 40 seconds to freeze. The water vapor that arose from the water hitting the ground was wicked. Instant fog! I then took a cup of cold water and did the same thing. It almost instantly froze on contact with the ground! I thought to myself, as my hands were now starting to sting from the cold, what temperature would it have to be outside for water to freeze in mid-air. Is it possible? Kick some thread on this topic. Maybe you have seen it before.