April 21st Chase: SE Kansas

Joey Ketcham

Wow did things ever explode here in Cherokee and Crawford County Kansas this evening.. had several reports of tornadoes.. unfortunately the torando from Parsons got rain wrapped... but did see several area's of rotation..

Here's one of many pics..

[Broken External Image]:http://www.kschaser.com/wallcloud2.jpg
I was in Platt City when the storm hit

Hey Melanie
Nice report. I was little North in Platt City, MO after coming up from the end of school . It was too late to go further West so I headed North. While looking south and west at the stuff coming toward you and me in PC I got some nice views. I will get some video grabs Sat to see what I show.
I had heard about this stuff going on in Atchinson but I decided to stay in PC instead of punching south. I had already been off the 435 at Weston where I saw the Mammatus earlier (pic soon).
What I saw that no one else had mentioned yet is the green sky (a little lime tinged with olive color) that was in the sky as the storm cell approached. Any of you notice that? Best Green since 1980s in Michigan when the lime green was just incredible. I think I finally have good green tinged sky that I have been looking for (I have only found 1 person who had a photo last year ) but I think my video footage may be better.
Dr.Eric Flescher ([email protected]),Olathe, KS -Storm Satori-http://members.aol.com/kcstormguy/stormsatori/stormsatori.htm

Date: Fri, 22 Apr 2005 03:52:02 +0000
From: Melanie Metz <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: 4/21/05 Chase Report

Sounds a-lot like our day! Peggy and I drove into the rain wrapped meso
just south of Atchison and were breifly under a very low base with rotation
and lowerings above us. That was the most exciting part of the day since
most of the time we were driving though wrapped rain and hail and hail fog.
We crossed the river near Leavenworth and continued following the cell
driving through heavy rain, hail, and strong winds to finally abort just
south of Liberty. The mammatus were incredible as we pulled in for dinner.

I would love to hear reports from the tornadic storm down in SE Kansas that
looked so great on radar!

Melanie and Michael

>From: Michael Peregrine <[email protected]>
>Reply-To: Michael Peregrine <[email protected]>
>To: [email protected]

>We had targeted NE Kansas/NW Missouri today and decided to head west
>toward what became the Atchison cell as it was forming to the
>southwest of Hiawatha, Kansas. We got under the anvil ... saw some
>nice crisp mammatus, and headed south on 75 to intercept the rotation,
>meeting a couple fellow chasers from the board here (Ryan Pfannuch I
>think?). Interestingly, near Horton there was what appeared to be a
>house on fire JUST EAST of the primary rotation on the storm, with
>firetrucks and police surrounding the place. I was hoping the storm
>would spare them while they were trying to do their job and it
>narrowily did. I was not anticipating such a right turn in this storm,
>moving it to the southeast. We followed directly east, then south,
>then east, then south again. Each time getting lost in horrible
>wrapping downdraft and then re-emerging into the cage to see the meso
>again. To the west of Atchison the storm produced ground circulation
>in the middle of some light wrapping rain, and then again south of
>Atchison it produced again, this time with a condensation funnel ...
>Ben, you describe your position really close to the location where we
>observed this ... we were just north of you. It's difficult to make
>out in the photos/video, simply because we were surrounded by rain and
>hail (YUCK!) ... but then the real fun begins. The hail core caught up
>with us in a BIG way. There was nowhere to go but to take shelter to
>the side of a large oak that offered minimal protection. My car still
>has a million new dents thanks to today's storm. The hail piled up
>like snow around us, mixed with limbs, leaves, etc. The storm
>continued a southerly turn over the river and we decided that the meso
>was appearing too disheveled at this point and wanted to get home and
>work on the vid. Were glad to catch what we did, but these super HP
>storms wear me out big time ...
>For a few pics, visit the ST thread here:
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>"unsub wx-chase" in the body of your message. For more information write
>[email protected].

Melanie Metz KC0MXQ

To unsubscribe from WX-CHASE send e-mail to [email protected] with
"unsub wx-chase" in the body of your message. For more information write [email protected].


Date: Thu, 21 Apr 2005 23:50:50 -0500
From: Ryan McGinnis <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: 4/21/05 Chase Report

On 4/21/05, Melanie Metz <[email protected]> wrote:
> Sounds a-lot like our day! Peggy and I drove into the rain wrapped meso
> just south of Atchison and were breifly under a very low base with rotation
> and lowerings above us.

Yikes! You punched that monster all the way to being directly *under*
the rain-wrapped meso? That's not just exciting, that's crazy! ;)

Congrats on a good chase.

april 21 video clips, green sky vid clips and mystery struct

Melainie, Michael, Ryan and All;

I have looked at my video of the April 21 storm which I videotaped mostly from inside my car sitting in Platte City, MO off of I-29.

go to my main page http://members.aol.com/kcstormguy/stormsat...stormsatori.htm

or straight to

I isolated a picture of the subtle lighting looking South during the lightning flash and then just after the flash and difference in color. On the page are clips from my video of the olive green sky show through the windshield . There are 3 on the web page. The first one is a turgouise olive lighter green and then the sky gets darker and more muddy green. Interesting and erie. I have been wanting to get a shot of greenish sky for a long time. But there was a mystery structure which I was not sure about that I shot observing south and west from Platte City probably more toward Atchinson and Weston I think. Melanie Metz said in her stormtrack info " To the west of Atchison the storm produced ground circulation in the middle of some light wrapping rain, and then again south ofAtchison it produced again, this time with a condensation funnel ..." Well I had remembered some structures that I saw on the video that I need to go back and look more closely. Here are 4 video clips of that structure in the sky. It was hard to see as I looking through the windshield, the rain, the windshield wiper going back and forth and the hail. But using my mac and imovie and isolating the video I got these vid clips (I was too busy trying videotaping to try my camera). Look at the shaft like slightly more whitish structure slanting from the sky towards the white outer wall just the left of the truck, This clip is slightly more zoomed in, the next slightly zoomed out. The next two show the structure pretty much slated towards the white house. I'd like opinions whether this was the condensation funnel Melanie talked about or what do you all think it was.

Thanks for your opinions and observations.

Dr.Eric Flescher ([email protected]),Olathe, KS -Storm Satori-http://members.aol.com/kcstormguy/stormsatori/stormsatori.htm


Date: Sat, 23 Apr 2005 00:18:00 EDT
From: Eric Flescher <[email protected]>
Subject: 4/21/05 Chase Report

Hey Melanie
Nice report. I was little North in Platt City, MO after coming up from the=20
end of school . It was too late to go further West so I headed North. While=20=
looking south and west at the stuff coming toward you and me in PC I got som=
nice views. I will get some video grabs Sat to see what I show.=20
I had heard about this stuff going on in Atchinson but I decided to stay in=20
PC instead of punching south. I had already been off the 435 at Weston where=
saw the Mammatus earlier (pic soon).=20
What I saw that no one else had mentioned yet is the green sky (a little lim=
tinged with olive color) that was in the sky as the storm cell approached.=20
Any of you notice that? Best Green since 1980s in Michigan when the lime gre=
was just incredible. I think I finally have good green tinged sky that I hav=
been looking for (I have only found 1 person who had a photo last year ) but=
think my video footage may be better.=20
Dr.Eric Flescher ([email protected]),Olathe, KS -Storm=20
Satori-http://members.aol.com/kcstormguy/stormsatori/stormsatori.htm :shock: