I have an iPhone and a Droid X, and I use Windows 7 and OSX on a daily basis so I feel like I'm in a pretty good position to speak on the comparisons. They both have their pros and cons for sure.
The thing that concerns me with Apple is that they hyper-focus on presentation and I'm certain that if Steve Jobs had more influence in the market he would be a negative influence (some argue he's already causing enough problems). Apple's policies can sometimes get in the way of usability and innovation, which is sad because they can really release a polished product. All of this is in regards to tech ideology and is from the viewpoint of me being a developer. It might not be that big of a deal for an average consumer, but the Apple store is ruled with a heavy handed fist, and the type of entrepreneurial hacking done by Woz that got Apple here in the first place is usually fiercely contested by Apple's legal team.
The Android platform suffers from the opposite side of the spectrum on the exact same issues. Detractors will scream about how fragmentation is ruining Android, and apart from some hyperbole, they actually do have a point. You can go to Best Buy right now and probably buy devices with at least 5 different versions of the Android operating system. The Android Market is an unregulated mess of duplicate applications and shoddy development.
Apple *does* have some very strong evangelists, many of whom can't back up their argument when they tell their friends that PCs are evil. I won't go any further except to say Apple has a very positive connotation with their brand and they have one of the best marketing teams in the world. I'd recommend ignoring these people just as I'd recommend ignoring the people that only have eyes for Android and refuse to believe that both platforms have their uses and you don't have to swear allegiance to a side.
P.S. iPhone won't be on Verizon for another 6 months, or another 2 years depending on who you talk to. It's kind of been the running joke ever since the iPhone was released. I wouldn't wait for it if you'd like a phone any time in the near future, personally.