7/23/05 TALK: WI/MN/IA/MI

Velocity scans showing a very widespread area of +64KNTS... This thing is a monster. If it holds together any longer, I would be inclined to say this was a derecho - Numerous +75KNT wind gusts, lots of damage, and a long path (western MN).

I wish I had been there to intercept this :cry:

EDIT: The size and scale of this derecho is very similar to this one here, at the SPC page: http://www.spc.noaa.gov/misc/AbtDerechos/c...2003pwrpage.htm
Maybe it will hold together until Detroit...

J/K :lol:

On a serious note, yeah, that thing is awesome. Taking a look at the meso analysis, this thing SHOULD be able to be kept alive for quite a bit longer, we'll see...
Originally posted by nickgrillo
Maybe it will hold together until Detroit...

J/K :lol:

On a serious note, yeah, that thing is awesome. Taking a look at the meso analysis, this thing SHOULD be able to be kept alive for quite a bit longer, we'll see...

Hey, it could pull one of these, LOL: http://www.spc.noaa.gov/misc/AbtDerechos/c...age.htm#2nd1995

EAU REALLY got slammed by this thing: +64KNTS on the base velocity scan with reflecitivies reaching 65DBz right at the apex of the bow, and well defined book-end vorticies. I am sure they had a solid 90-100MPH wind gust somewhere around there.

Too bad instability wasn't greater across our area, this thing would have some serious potential... I'll still be watching it though :lol:
I'm heading out to Winnebago County to intercept this thing... I can't resist... Targeting just west of Oshkosh, WI..... pics to come later if I get lucky...


thats all i can say

i missed it. i had to work and had no idea it was coming.
Originally posted by rdewey

EAU REALLY got slammed by this thing: +64KNTS on the base velocity scan with reflecitivies reaching 65DBz right at the apex of the bow, and well defined book-end vorticies. I am sure they had a solid 90-100MPH wind gust somewhere around there.

power is out and trees are down all over town. i work at a mcdonalds, and my store was the only one out of 4 in eau claire that still had power after the storm.
Originally posted by Bob Schafer
I'm not the best at interpreting radial velocity values, but check this out:


With min value of -94, has the radar detected 94 knot straight line winds??? There is blue in the colors as well. I haven't ever seen blue from straight line winds before except from hurricanes.


I don't think I would trust the accuracy all that well. But, what you can say for sure is this thing is still producing extremely damaging wind gusts (+75KNTS). It's pretty much lost the bookend vorticies, and I think it's starting to settle down a bit.
The prelim LSR's from up north are decent to say the least.

If it holds together, MKE metro will eat this in about 60-90 mins, depending on forward speed. We are getting the little complex out in front of it right now, but I hope the main show holds till it gets down here.

Par for the course this week, the "Core Puncher II" has the interior gutted while I work on it, so no chasing for me.
I added MI to this discussion... Not sure whether tonights stuff would count as a new thread since it's closely related to what's going on now...

Anyway, 18Z NAM brings instability in a bit quicker than the 12Z run, mainly between 6Z and 12Z tonight/tomorrow morning. Even with marginal instability, the combination of forcing and extreme shear alone are worth something.

NAM goes bonkers, developing an MCS over southern WI and blowing it up into quite a monster, taking out much of MN, MI, and heading into Ontario, Canada. Looking at the satellite, NEXRAD, and SFC obs, I'm not seeing much in southern MN as of now...
Line is looking crappier right now...but there are tornado warnings out for SE Wisconsin...and a new severe thunderstorm watch has been issued for Illinois and Indiana for the cluster.
Nice how it's just dying out as it tries to enter IL. At least it's cloudy down state which is helping keep the temps down.
