Sep 26, 2007
Tornado watches up for northeast CO/southwest NE/northwest KS ... but the big show right now is in PA/MD/WV/VA. The DC metro area is about to get pounded by a massive MCS w/ bowing segments. Tornado warnings just west of the metro area right now. TVS with 103 knts just north of Leesburg!

Here are the current watch boxes: http://www.spc.noaa.gov/products/watch/
Just arrived in Hays, and parked in the back lot of the Applebees if anyone wants to come around and BS befor initiation. First storm of the day has fired in NE Colorado. Cumulus field is starting to deepen over NW Kansas at this time. No deffinate towers though, that I can see from Hays.
Impressive bow echo just raced through the DC area with a number of tornado warnings for spinups on the gust front as well as one embedded supercell with the QLCS. National Airport and Andrews AFB both had gusts over 50 kt. Here on the south side of town, the wall of rain and wind arrived extremely quickly.
That storm east of Akron CO has rotation with it on the velocity scan aswell as a TVS and a Red Circle showing there is spin in the atmosphere there I think. The area of rotation can clearly be seen on the tail end of the storm.

EDIT: It just went TOR warned.

EDIT2: Public reporting a tornado on the ground with this storm.
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Patrick Martin and I in Alma NE. Storms we can see north of I-80 are looking soft, so waiting on things to crank up. We are streaming on Severe Studios as internet connectivity allows.
There was a nice hook on the last scan near Loup City NE with that storm. The storm near Stockville NE also showing rotation with it. Looks like we have 3 tornadic storms in NE with the storm east of Lexington currently tornado warned. Radar is indicating a tornado with that cell. The line continues into CO where we have 2 more tornado warned storms. New showers/storms are firing in SW IA/NW MO and a new WW could be issued for that area. Looks to be a long night.

EDIT: There is 2 TVS and a purple circle with the storm near Stockville NE. GRLevel3 is showing rotation in that area. Would not be suprised to see this storm go tornado warned soon.
Crazy looking hook south of Omaha, near Murray and Plattsmouth, slowly moving ENE and spotters reporting tornado on the ground in Murray. Looks to hopefully pass east of Omaha and Council Bluffs.

EDIT: Still dropping tubes... TVS south of Glenwood, IA.
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Twin supercells in southwest Iowa right now. The one near Red Oak looks particularly nasty. They both have stopped moving northeast and have hooked hard to the right. Now moving due east. These cells are near the warm front where the moisture is pooled quite nicely. Going to be an active night in southern Iowa.
Tornado reported on the ground near Emmerson with the suppercell by RedOak.

Possible tornado near Clearfield now with a third tornadic storm in southcentral Iowa. Radar showing strong rotation with that storm.
Confirmed tornado on the ground heading towards Redoak IA. It could be a large rain wrapped tornado according to the CH8 Met.
Fairly impressive velocity scans near or just south of Red Oak Iowa. Sure hope it's in fact a touch south of the city.

Extrapolating a bit takes the meso towards the Villisca Iowa area, or maybe a touch north. Any more right-turning could take it that way though. Lets hope the meso (possible tornado) goes between these larger communities.