Nowcasting guidance
Hey all,
I know it's a little late to make this offer since most everyone chasing today is probably already out there, but since I can't make it to the high risk area this afernoon I thought I'd offer to nowcast for anyone already in the field. I have much experience with radar & satellite analysis (attended Tim V.'s Chaser Training Classes @ the National StormChaser Convention in Denver), have been chasing across the Plains with different teams for about seven years now, and am very familiar with the recognition of low-level boundary primers that enhance tornado potential, as well as of course overall stability (or instability :wink: ) parameter analysis. I also have an account with weatherTap I use all the time, so I use the most current NEXRAD & sat imagery.
On a big day like this, I would hate for any chasers to get stuck in a compromising situation due to a lack of data or info at any moment, so I should be available most afternoon. Feel free to call my cell if you need nowcasting help & are short of options for data sources: 765-532-0505.
Good LUCK to everyone chasing today (ESPECIALLY in NE KS!)