Chris C Sanner
The ball is definitely rolling on something. I haven't got many specifics mainly because I haven't been up that way since this active period began two weeks ago, but I have various friends who work around or in the House and I know they are preparing to tackle the issue in some way. I'm betting it's just giving LEOs more power to quarantine the areas around storms to prevent hordes of chasers from continuing on. The whole 'they're too busy with other things' mantra was kind of ruined when OHP decided to set up a roadblock on a storm that was producing tornadoes. LEOs aren't stupid and are capable of multitasking -- and give them the power of a few lines of legislation (and perhaps a new traffic violation or two that would hurt chasers) and you have a situation where chasing in Oklahoma will become a bigger headache than it already is. You don't need to outlaw chasing to make it almost impossible to chase, why a lot of people are having a hard time grasping that I don't know, but the solution from the LEOs standpoint is quite simple and is easily implemented and enforced.It is interesting you mentioned that Chris because I received a phone call from a State Legislature last evening asking to speak to me specifically about the incidents and what I knew about them. I believe the 'tone' you speak of is there and the legislation now is starting.
EDIT: If anyone is interested, I just posted a brief 5 minute or so read on why we aren't all that important in Oklahoma and how the blowback is coming sooner than most think here:
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