But he didn't.... ding, ding, ding, ding. We can all sit here and complain about it but what does that ultimately change? I understand trying to self police our community but all this seems like its about is a bunch of individuals worrying about others and pointing fingers. Worry about your own driving, drive defensively and safely and let law enforcement or the consequences take care of those that don't.
Oh ok, so basically what you're saying is that reckless driving isn't a problem and isn't something we should worry about until an innocent family is killed? That makes no lick of sense dude. I really do not understand this mentality. I will say that luck was in their favor on May 19th and nobody was killed, but what about next time? Maybe they won't be so lucky. Why not be proactive and try to prevent that? Why are you and so many others against that? Would you rather see an innocent family killed before we should be concerned about reckless driving like that?
I have probably been more vocal about this and the TIV's recklessness than anyone else, and I am generally the one who stays quiet in the corner while drama like this unfolds. But in this case, this isn't about storm chasers anymore, this is about all the innocent lives out on the same roads as us who are now in danger because of certain people's recklessness.
I don't care about what people think of storm chasers, if they want to hate us then hate us. That won't stop me from chasing. If a storm chaser wants to drive into a tornado, then go for it dude. I won't be the one to tell you that it's wrong to do. I don't care. But when we put innocent lives in danger because of our irresponsible actions, I have a huge problem with that and I would rather be proactive and deal with it now before an innocent family is killed.
Since yesterday I've seen many comments made on facebook by people who say "nobody was killed, move on". In reading those, I am reminded of an incident that occurred in the town I live in back in the 1990's. A girl that lived down the road from me was being harassed, stalked and was receiving death threats from a guy. This was a girl I saw on a daily basis walking by and talked to on occasions. When she began to receive death threats she called the police department who basically said to her, "we can't help you, the guy hasn't killed you yet". Perhaps not in those exact words, but they might as well have. This girl was found decapitated in her apartment and the very same guy she reported to the police is now serving a life sentence. A senseless murder that could have been prevented if the police acted on the reports she made, if the police would have been proactive rather than brushing it because "she hadn't been killed yet".
Needless to say, policies changed rather quickly within the police department after this in regards to how they handled death threat reports. Point being, why should we have to wait until someone is killed before we should worry about this? The recklessness is occurring, and someone will be killed if not stopped. Being proactive can save lives, why wait until someone is killed? We need to prevent that from happening, and if we continue to allow this type of behavior to occur then mark my words, someone will die. Now I don't know about you, but that's not something I want to see happen.
Saying "nobody died, move on" is a very weak argument. You are correct, on May 19th nobody died as a result of the TIV's recklessness, but what about next time? Maybe then they won't be so lucky and end up slamming head on into an innocent family killing them all.
None of this has anything to do about storm chasers or the public's view of storm chasers, it's about innocent lives being put in danger cause of certain people's recklessness. When innocent lives are put in danger, that pisses me off. It's not about us, it's about the innocent family with a car full of kids driving down those same highways as us. I don't want to see them dead because of people like Sean Casey who is out driving recklessly to get some stupid shot of a storm. No shot is worth putting others in danger.
I will also add that a friend of mine who is a police chief was telling me just recently how a friend of his almost got into an accident with the TIV as a result of them driving recklessly. If you defend this type of recklessness, than I'm sorry, you're just as stupid as the person who is driving recklessly putting innocent lives in danger.