Clouds overhead ATTM here in Dallas and visible sat shows them covering most of NE Texas.
Glancing ahead, looks like Texarkana looks to be a safe bet for a target today. Moisture is well on its way with TDs already in the mid 60s across the target area with weak SE winds. Vis sat showing a couple outflow boundries; a stronger one in North Central Arkansas and a weaker one in Southern Arkansas. Wind shift is evident on the northern one.
The ETA is forecasting CAPE over 3000J/kg over NE Texas, SE Oklahoma, and Southern Arkansas. Helicity values are there as well, not as high as they could be, but in the neighborhood. Jet max is still off to the west and think that'll aid in what oughta be a monster day tomorrow.
There does appear to be an 850mb max shooting straight up into Arkansas and extreme eastern portions of NE Texas and SE Oklahoma. High values of moisture will be found over the area all day, so for a change, that won't be a problem!
My reservations fall in chasable terrain; as I've already enjoyed a day in Arkansas this week, I can vouch for its lack of chasable terrain. Not sure how the southern portion of the state is, nor NE Texas, but I'm too close to say no. I'll probably show my face at TESSA and head out and up I-30 to Texarkana for lunch, data, and either and see and wait.
Between now and then, we need to burn off these clouds and erode this thick cap. Oughta make for an interesting day! We'll see!