2009 Tornado Season

May 5 Panhandles/ SW Kansas
May18 South Central KS
May 30 Central NE
June 5 Colorado Eastern Plains (had to put one close to home on!)
March 29 -- AR/MO/IL
April 8 -- MS
May 19 -- KS/NE/IA
June 6 -- western OK
June 28 -- MN
August 27 -- AL/GA/FL panhandle, associated with hurricane
November 22 -- OK; Oklahoma outbreaks bookend the 2009 severe weather season.
April 14th - Southern Plains
May 30th, Central IL as focal point.
June 7th - Southern WI
July 6th - IA/MN
August 4th - W IL/ E IA
October 2nd - Upper Midwest.

+1 on June 7th. That date has been a sure thing for WI the past two years! And +1 on all the rest of your upper midwest days listed!
Sometime during May 11th through May 15th time frame will be the big days for severe weather in the plains...because that is finals week here at OU!
Well, I for one certainly wish I had a crystal ball, as I have to tell my superiors 2-4 wks ahead of time when I wish to take my comp/vacation time. Although my schedule is such that if I take 2 days off (24 hours) I actually have 6 days off in a row... I'll take a stab at it and say the first "chaseable" high-risk day of 2009 will be April 4.
Well I got to look at the vacation i tried for and I basically have the first 2 weeks of May off. I went for the last two weeks but the ones with high eniority got it. There are still 3 days in the last week of May that are avaialbe and i am going for those as well. I am thinking this yer will be a bad season.
Toss my hat in the ring on this one...

March 6 - HP supercells in either Dixie Alley or TX
April 10 - 30th anniversary of the Red River outbreak...has it been that long already?
April 18 - Slow moving, photogenic classic supercells in south central KS or north central OK (wishful thinking...but hey, it's my birthday!)
May 23 & 30 - Clean schedule those days so I can chase cirrus to my hearts content.
Feb 10 - ne AR
Mar 27 - TX/OK pan
Apr 15 - w KS
May 3 - sw KS/nw OK
May 12 - n OK
May 22 - KS/MO/IA
May 29 - c KS
Jun 12 - NE/SD
Jul 10 - ND/MN

I guess I could increase my chances by listing an event for every date of the season ;)

Right date, wrong state on the first one. Do I get partial credit? :p
Whatever date I pick to go camping with my son will undoubtedly be a super-outbreak, since we couldn't even enjoy Scott Lake for all the nearby twisters last Memorial Day weekend. So, since that is when we will probably try to go camping again, I pick May 22nd - 25th in Central Kansas. Don't get me wrong. I'm glad for all the folks here who got some awesome video of great tubes (and I even got my first pics of a wall cloud), I would just like to go camping without a catastrophe for once. :)
May 6-Nebraska/SW IA
May 15-OK City vicinity
May 25-(Oconto or Langlade Co.)WI because of Memorial Weekend camping trip
June 15-Mankato MN(Just because I moved back to WI)and it will be a big one!
July 4-SW Illinois
I have my vacation Paid Sceduled for April 19-26 and I'm going to have to negotiate at work for May go figure. hopfully April will be a good time for me and May well we'll just have to wait and see but yeah it could be a bad season ahead and we must all be prepared for whatever lies ahead see you all at Tessa.

Shawn C.

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