2/27/11 NOW: OK, KS, MO, AR, TN

Mike Smith

Am starting a now thread because convection is developing in these areas. I thought a separate NOW threat could be started with the separate threat over E OK and points east and north from there.

ICT -88D back up. Thunderstorms with reflectivities up to 47 dbZ have rapidly developed the last 30 minutes in southern KS. There is one intriguing cell south of P28 that is right on the warm front.

Anyone know if there are going to 18Z soundings today?
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SVR TSTM warning for Sedgwick and Harvey Co., including ICT. Thundering at my house through the dense fog. Freq. CG's so STAY SAFE. Rotating updraft in the storm aloft.

SVR TSTM WW issued from about WSW of ICT to between COU and IRK.
I am just 10 to 15 miles west of wichita now on 54 eastbound. very cold here. maybe 40 to 45 degrees. also very foggy with light drizzle last 20 miles. I am streaming now on chasertv.
Nice cell affecting ICT right now. ICT's radar appears to be having issues with both level 2 and level 3 data. Luckily the TDWR working fine for this storm.
ICT WSR-88D appears to be down again at 1900Z. TDWR working fine.
The Wichita storms are undoubtedly elevated with low sfc temps/dewpoints and no SBCAPE until you get about 25 miles southeast of town.
Wichita representing today very nice guys. Yeah nothing too impressive with this cluster of thunderstorms initiation did catch me a little off guard. My location is 3 mi E of the KS turnpike on 21st E of Andover. Here we had 20 min of heavy rain but no severe weather to report and have no visual on structure as we still have overcast conditions. Now just waiting for round 2 and hoping things get a little more ramped up. But have to say for February this is a lot of fun.
Western OK is looking prime; 2500 J of uncapped CAPE with a nice agitated cu field in the TX panhandle. Nice open dry slot to the overall storm system with clear skies! The directional sheer needs to pick up a bit and hopefully the winds will turn more southeasterly as the surface low deepens and the dryline moves east a bit.
Satellite image from 1955Z shows the PVA in the form of CU in the dry air (rectangle) getting ready to intersect TCU over northwest OK (arrows) in about an hour.
2/27/11 NOW: AR,MO,TN

Putting up a now thread for this area since there is storms starting to go up in w Ar. and we are currently sitting in Jonesboro waiting to see if the cap will break to let some of the cells go up in front of the line.Lots of overcast here,temp at 71*,Dew 62 and looking at satellite imagery,seems to be some clearing in central Ar ahead of the line.Anyone else in the area??