14th High Plains AMS/NWA regional conference

Nov 6, 2004
Dodge City, KS
The 14th High Plains AMS/NWA Conference is coming up in August!
Dodge City, Kansas
August 12-13, 2010

This is an excellent career building and networking platform for science sharing amongst fellow meteorological peers and prospective meteorologists. This conference is sponsored by the High Plains Chapter of the National Weather Association (NWA) and American Meteorological Society (AMS) with support from the National Weather Service, Central Region. The conference is an excellent opportunity for first-time speakers as well as those who wish to share meteorological knowledge/research/etc., with an emphasis on High Plains weather and meteorology, in a less formal setting than a national meteorological conference.

Venue and Dates:
Day One: 8:00am to 5:00pm CDT, Thursday August 12, 2010
Day Two: 8:00am to 12:00pm Noon CDT, Friday August 13, 2010

Conference will be held in the Santa Fe Room in the Student Union building on the campus of Dodge City Community College.

There will be an evening banquet on Thursday evening, which will also be held in the campus Student Union.

Conference Website and Registration Information:

Standard Registration Fee: $60
Student Registration Fee: $30
Thursday Evening Banquet Dinner and Presentation: $15

REGISTER ONLINE HERE >> http://www.highplains-amsnwa.org/14HPC/14HPC_Registration.html

Confirmed Keynote Speakers:

• Dr. Pamela Heinselman - research scientist with the NOAA/National Severe Storms Laboratory. Her research interests are warning and forecast applications of weather radars, with an emphasis on phased array radar.

• Don Burgess - a retired federal research meteorologist and now part-time with OU/CIMMS. Burgess pioneered the concept of "nowcasting" by using radar to direct an NSSL research team during a tornado intercept and lead the discovery of the "tornado vortex signature" seen in radar displays. Don is also one of the steering committee members of the Vortex-2 field experiment.

• "Doppler" Dave Oliver from KFDA-TV 10, a CBS affiliated television station in Amarillo, Texas

Student Scholarship Opportunity:
The High Plains Chapter of the AMS/NWA is pleased to announce the student paper competition at the 14th Annual High Plains Conference, August 12-13, 2010. This year’s conference will be held at Dodge City Community College in Dodge City, KS. As in previous years, we will be accepting presentations from both undergraduate and graduate students. While we have received many presentations in the past on convective storms, we welcome topics on all aspects of weather on the High Plains, including winter weather and climate. The student presentations will be primarily judged on meteorological quality, but consideration will be given to the delivery of the material. Two scholarship winners will be chosen and a total of $800 will be divided between them.

While the conference dates are shortly before the fall semester, we hope that some students would be willing to come and present their research from the spring and summer. The conference is designed to provide a relaxed atmosphere for first time presenters. The student competition has brought many excellent presentations to the conference and we hope that more will be in store for 2010.

Call for Papers:
Please visit this webpage for information for those interested in presenting a topic at the 14th High Plains Conference:

Abstract deadline is August 4th!

-Mike Umscheid, Aaron Johnson, and Tim Burke
High Plains Conference Planning Committee