For those targeting the warm front... Refering to and , the ETA is forecasting 0-6km deep layer shear of only 25-35kts over IA and MO at 18z, increasing to 35-40kts by 0z (sunset). This makes me especially concerned about the occurrence of supercells given the already relatively-scant SBCAPE. Meanwhile, locations neared the mid-level jet streak in OK and KS will likely be characterized by 0-6k shear in the 35-55kts range, which is considerably more conducive to supercell mode, again given the relatively weak-moderate instability forecast. Just something to think about...
EDIT for 18z ETA: The 18z ETA continues the slowing trend and actually keeps a part of the surface low in southwestern NE at 18z tomorrow ( ). Part of the problem now is, however, that the upper trough is now going to crash eastern KS, etc, on Saturday morning... In addition the 18z ETA shows the axis of the upper-level jet over northeast NM and western KS, placing much of the original target area (central plains) in the right-exit region, which tends to cause subsidence. However, this may not be entirely bad... For those so inclined, you can reference the following paper:
Rose, Stanley F., Hobbs, Peter V., Locatelli, John D., Stoelinga, Mark T. 2004: A 10-Yr Climatology Relating the Locations of Reported Tornadoes to the Quadrants of Upper-Level Jet Streaks.
Weather and Forecasting: Vol. 19, No. 2, pp. 301–309.
The above paper showed that, during the 10-yr period examined (during Apr-June I think) there were still more tornadoes that occurred in the right-exit region than the seemingly more-favorable right-entrance region of the main upper-level jet streak. This seems odd since the right-entrance region is associated with lift, while the right-exit region is associated with subsidence. None the less, it does show that even despite the subsidence provided by the right-exit region via transverse circulation, it is still a favored location relative to the right-entrance region...