According to the local media that is the "dirty side of the storm."Dude! All the rest of you chasers are now going to be shown up unless you streak naked in the cane! Brings new meaning to the term 'nasty looking storm'.
According to the local media that is the "dirty side of the storm."Dude! All the rest of you chasers are now going to be shown up unless you streak naked in the cane! Brings new meaning to the term 'nasty looking storm'.
According to the local media that is the "dirty side of the storm."
Quoted by Marc Austin
Yeah, he's definitely playing games with Darwin! I haven't seen anyone as gutsy has he has been.
Yesterday they were talking to some old 40 year old hick woman in Galveston that smoked herself to look 80 and she said she was staying and "have my bath tub full of water and as much alcohol as my house can hold and anyone can come on over." She said this with a backdrop of Jack Bottles EVERYWHERE and a huge rebel flag.You have to love the US! Menacing storm with serious news casters, 'certain death' but people running around streaking naked in it. I'd like a sip of some of what those guys are drinking.
12:42 AM CDT - I'm pretty sure a streaker ran behind Jorma Duran as he was reporting live at this precise moment. Did anyone else catch this? It was some dude.