Bill Tabor
LOL! Dude was just streaking naked on TWC in Beaumont! Anyone else catch it?
Ah...thank you. Old habits of looking at the lowest degree of tilt are not broken so easily. Looking at the higher tilt, the eye looks very consistent. Thanks for setting me straight.
One of the online news stations showed a refinery stack with a normal flame, looked to be the same place...Maybe FOX should wipe the lens and stop the magnifyingHuge fire in Houston on Fox News Channel in the city.
Those markers are just beyond the edge of the first pulse that's used to retrieve radial velocity (at this VCP, there are at least two scans as each of the low-level elevation angles). Note how the quality of the radial velocity data decrease rapidly and abruptly >90 mi away from the radar. All of this is to say that you really shouldn't trust the shear markers beyond 90 miles in this situation. Perhaps Jim can explain it a bit better (since he's more familiar with the VCPs) and the 88D scanning strategies.
LOL! Dude was just streaking naked on TWC in Beaumont! Anyone else catch it?
Level II velocity is better - use software that dealiases and you'll be happier than NIDS.
Level II velocity is better - use software that dealiases and you'll be happier than NIDS.
Sorry I didn't see this before posting, so it's confirmed, TWC's been had, oh man...