05/29/04 REPORTS: KS, NE, MO, OK & Northern Plains

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Here are a few slides I just picked up from the lab:

Calumet, OK anticyclonic tornado, 5/29/04:

Hadar, NE tornado, 5/21/04:

Mammatus north of Alma, NE, 5/22/04

Flanking line in Franklin, NE, 5/22/04:

Lightning in Norfolk, NE, 5/21/04:

Lightning east of Emporia, KS, 5/24/04:

Tons of work to catch up on, afterwards I will put together detailed logs for all of the May chases.
I have been trying out my Windows movie maker skills - here is the footage from the Harper stovepipe tornado - I must warn of some bad language towards the middle of the clip - the moment over took us all

Close up of Tornado funnel on the ground - 4.6MB

Full movie - High quality - 86mb

Full Movie - Med Quality - 18mb

Full Movie - Low Quality - 2.6mb

Alister's Dash Cam clip - one tornado and two chasers! - 3.5mb

A few more shots from the Harper tornado now added to my website.

I will upload full trip report upon return to UK in a few days.
Amazing shots, superb!

And here's my chase report for this wonderful day:

Still a few thousand kilometers away, without a US visa, looking at the completely sunny skies of the Israeli summer.
Knowing I could have been there!
:sad2: :sad3:
Thanks David,

It's taken me a while to put this together but something I wanted to do in view of how much this tornado capture means to me. To witness such an event is a privilege in itself, however, for myself and fellow Brit chasers Stu Robinson & Alistair Chapman to forecast the event, position ourselves to watch it develop in front of our eyes and then give chase till it died & capture the entire event on camera/video was truly some experience, probably never to be repeated again. It was a particularly beautiful tornado and at times surreal. At times it could easily have been footage taken from Twister.

To set the record here is a montage I have put together which documents the entire tornado from its birth through the funnel stage to its mature tornado stage and finally its roped out deterioration. I have included the exact time from each photo in the bottom right corner. Of particular note are how the funnel took shape and then looked like weakening (1922-1923hrs) and how the tornado at one stage looked like it was weakening too (1928-1929hrs), but then intensified again.

For the record first funnel sighted 1920 hrs.
Tornado touchdown 1925hrs.
Tornado dissipation (rope stage) 1945 hrs.
Tornado on ground for exactly 20 minutes.


Great pic Stu!

Stu, Mark & Alistair,

What a day that was! Hope you guys had as much fun as we did. I love that picture Stu...if I am not mistaken that is the outback that I was driving that day just ahead of you in the photo. I can't remember if you guys were directly behind us on that muddy trail (at that time) or not...anyway, it kind of looks like the outback. I would post some shots of our video, but I think it's pretty much the exact same thing that you got. The only difference is the Harper county deputy that was in front of me (who was having a lot of problems staying on the road).

So here is a group photo instead:
[Broken External Image]:http://www.tulsapromo.com/harper1.gif

Man that cell did some wonderful things! And to think you guys wanted to call it off to go chase that Enid storm. :eek: You wouldn't have had near as much fun!

Here is one shot from our video, this wasn't zoomed in either. Like I stated before, it's pretty much the same thing.

[Broken External Image]:http://www.tulsapromo.com/052904_debris_close_harper.gif

I also want to throw out credit to David Thompson for shooting the video from our car. And Liana Sain for providing such great NAT sound on the video. This was a first tornado for both of them (what a great opportunity!). It sounds like Liana gave you some good sound bites as well. And of course the other car in the caravan was Dr. Rick Toracinta, Jamie and a few met students from Ohio State. It took a team to put us within a few hundred yards of this hose dropping (and it nearly dropped right on top of us). I hope we can all do it again, and again....

Brian Barnes

Will chase for food!
Me and My Tornado

Nice! Next time I'll get a shot of me standing on my head! :lol:

Actually there are other shots of me on "the road" with the tornado...however Dave has them all in California and I am awaiting my CD from him. I saw them briefly, there are some pretty funny ones. I'll post one when I get the disc.

Brian Barnes

Will chase for food!
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