I am not at all excited about today's prospects after an early morning analysis. Current RUC has triple digits forecast throughout much of Kansas and into Nebraska, which will aid with the cap breaking issue. However, with current progged dewpoints of upper 50s, this isn't gonna get it done. Mid-90s are forecast all the way into NW IA, juxtaposed with low-50s dewpoints - again, not gonna do it. Perhaps the dynamics will create some sups with 5000ft bases for structure fans, but for anyone wanting a tornado, I just don't see it happening. I don't understand the 5% tornado SPC has, I guess they have more faith in the pure dynamics of this system than I do. I just know that 30+spreads aren't what you want to see for tornadoes. There's a band of ENE surface winds currently in AR that seems to be the main fly in the ointment as far as current moisture return is concerned. Once again, there's no pure Gulf fetch being channeled into the target area. Perhaps I'm being too hasty in my analysis but I just don't see why everyone is so excited about today.