Big Weekend Storm
Have my fingers crossed. I first noticed this storm on the GFS a few days ago, only to see this storm disapear all together. Here at the West end of Lake Ontario, looking for snow, even on North-facing wooded slopes, is just about as hard as prospecting for gold. I was thrilled to see this storm re-apear over the last 24 hours in some form or another on almost every model...GEM(GLOB),GEM(REG),UKMET,ECMRF,NAM(eta),GFS,MM5.
It was a bit of a drag that on tonight's runs the GEM models, even the REG were weaker and further east. One thing that I have noticed is that the last few RUC runs show a stronger 500mb jet plunging down behind the positively tilted short wave over TX. I am hoping this may mean more digging, negetive tilting, and a more wraped up and further W track of the surface low. the HPC people and the latest GFS output suggest about 2 inches of pricip for me. If even half of the precip falls as snow with a 10/1 snow/water ratio, this could be an impresive snow-storm were I am located.