On a similar note I was chasing in texas earlier this year with Chris Wilburn and while on our way home the day after the storm I got this email...
From: J D ((email withheld for privacy reasons)) Title: Poser Date: Thu, May 15, 2008 at 12:55 PM
"FYI, if i were you, I would get out of the area soon. Your teen antics and false report were not taken lightly last night. Word gets around fast. Thanks to you, and many other idiots like you, the SN will likely be pulling the ability to post storm reports on the screen. Your KNWA station was also contacted, and is apparently not too happy with your claim of representing them in your SN icon. Go back to Arkansas and learn something before wanting to play chaser. We take it seriously here. Safe travels. : )"
...I called my station as soon as i finished reading the message and they had informed me that no one had called them and this was the only complaint I had received on my reports which coincided with Chris's as well as other spotter that were in the area. My station tried to get in contact with the person to find out what had happened and we never got a response. I haven't yet ever had a problem since then nor have I ever had a complaint such as this. I did once receive a email from someone who said they were watching me on radar and wanted to inform me there was a lot of "pink" to my north and if I was looking for hail he thought some would be there, lol.