Which is your best chase of 2004?

May 29 in Oklahoma was my best - my first anticyclonic tornado, which I caught near Calumet, even though I missed the more impressive one that occurred a few minutes earlier. Also saw 4-inch hail and various funnels and possible tornadoes. Chase log at:


Tied for second:

St. Louis area on July 5; massive storm wipes across the metro area, knocking out power to 225,000, with me just ahead of the gust front all the way across the area. And a surprise at the end - a possible tornado within 5 miles of my house. Log at:


Northeast New Mexico, August 14 - an HP supercell in New Mexico, of all places, with one of the most spectacular wall clouds I've ever seen. Log at:


Quite a year, and the fall season is still to come!