Where would you find the four seasons?

Feb 10, 2004
Scottsdale, AZ USA
Here’s a question for you all, seeing as you live in various parts of the country.

What US town, in your opinion, demonstrates the most obvious four seasons….spring thunderstorms, summer warmth, intense fall color, and winter chill…all those characteristics. Any idea?

I’m very curious, not having much luck w Google on the subject.
Hmm... I would have to say just about any location from the Midwest into the Northeast.

But, I'm going to have to narrow it down to Michigan's upper penninsula. It's absolutely beautiful up there, and almost makes me want to move up there full time. The summers can be hot and humid with plenty of sunshine. That makes for good hiking through the forest, through the "mountains", and along the fresh rivers... The population density is very low, so you don't have to worry about polulution, smog, or running into other people - it's just you and nature (sometimes a little TOO much nature with horse and deer flies the size of quarters, LOL).

The fall features very intense colors, which can be viewed from the tops of very tall hills/small mountains - which give you a view for miles upon miles of rivers, forests, lakes, etc..

Winter has plenty of snow, averaging over 250 inches per year at some locations - so you definitely hit that season...

Spring features the melting of the heavy snow pack, which gives way to flowers and a nice mild breeze... Leading into summer (and then repeat).

Even with my intense passion for severe weather - I just couldn't permanently move away from all of this scenery, only to be replaced with miles of corn and wheat fields (and little to do in the "off season"). If you're into nature, photography, old architecture, and "outdoors" stuff like dirt biking, hunting, fishing, boating, etc.. - the U.P. is one of the best places to be.
yeah - midwest to the New England for the most part ... these days I'd go with the upper midwest even, just due to the lack of winter down here the last few years. The plains are generally extreme ... from extreme heat in the summer to extreme cold in the winter. Nebraska and Iowa both have well-defined seasons. I guess I would go with Madison County, Iowa. A photographer could take photos of the covered bridges in all of their seasonal splendor.

My destination in New England would be split between Vermont or Maine, probably. Both states have very well-defined seasons with fall being the most outstanding ... and lots of that New England style architecture dotting the countryside. Beautiful place -
... and lots of that New England style architecture dotting the countryside.

Yeah, the architecture in the U.P. doesn't really have a "style" LOL... Just some of the architecture is cabins/houses that were abondoned nearly half century ago, in the middle of the woods (with no clear road or trail leading to them)... Pretty interesting.

New England is my close #2 choice, even though I've never been there...
Well, I lived in the Moorhead, Minnesota-Fargo, North Dakota area from fall, 1976 through summer, 1977. During that year, the temperature ranged from 106 F to -35 F, a range of 141 degrees! We had blizzards, freezing rain, and ice fog in the winter, supercells in the spring, and dust storms in the summer. Not much fall color, but there was plenty of that in the northwoods just 30 miles or so east. I think for seasonal variation, it would be hard to beat that area.
Of course I'm biased, but the Appalachians (NC/TN through PA/NY) are never boring places weather-wise. Living close to the mountains gives you the ability to experience all four seasons distinctly and many times the ability to pick what type of weather you want to spend the day in.

If you want deep snow, just drive up above 4,000 feet between November and March. Snow will fall up there as early as September and as late as May. Too cold? Just come down below 2,000 feet. Thunderstorms are regularities from March to September. October gives you a full month of peak fall colors, starting in the higher elevations and working their way down by the end of the month. Photogenic valley fog forms from time to time year-round.

The mountains range from brown during dry winter spells, to white during snow, to deep green in summer, to full colors in the fall. You'll have many chances to get the same scene in all four of those states in a given year.

Freezing rain/ice storms, frequent snowfall, and flooding are common thanks to the higher rugged terrain. Prolonged inactive periods without any precip are rare.

During celestial events like auroras and meteor showers, it's not hard to find a dark sky untainted by artificial lights.

Of course, the main drawback to living here is the struggling economy and social profile of some 80% of the population being over 60. But at least you at least won't be bored with the weather year-round.
Northwest Iowa seems to have about everything. Extreme winter cold some years. Intense summer heat/humidity about every year (dewpoints nearing 80 frequently). They seem to get their fair share of supercell/tornado activity there in the warmer months. They also seem to be in a hot zone for derechoes, especially in their earlier stages.
Ohio was a pretty good place to catch all four seasons...

Springtime storms lead into hot, humid summers (with good storms of their own)... then a beautiful splash of color from fall leading into grey winter days!
I would think the Upper Midwest would be best: Iowa, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois and thereabouts. Of course, parts of New England would work as well.
One of the things I love about East Central South Dakota is the very pronouced seasonal changes. Our area certainly fits the description.

Winter- The grass and fields become covered with snow from December to March, we also have blizzards and extreme cold intrusions.

Fall- The picked corn stalks begin to lose color, leaves begin to change color and fall. Here in town we have a beautiful public garden with all sorts of species which is just spectacular treat of colors and variety during the fall.

Spring- During the spring we experience some days which are cold and others with a warm southerly wind and all modes of severe storms.

Summer- Durring the summer it can get particularly hot here. The heat is compounded by the fact that the dewpoint can reach into the 70-75 degree range.

The only place I can think of that would be a better representation would be Mankato, MN. Because it's fall is more pronouced.
Minneapolis has the usual cold and snowy Minnesota winter usually followed by a gradual transition to spring. Summers are usually warm and humid with occasional intrusions of relatively cool dry Canadian air. Severe convection is possible in March but usually holds off until mid April. I believe the city averages 36 days with thunder per year. Tornadoes in Minnesota and surrounding areas are a good bet from May through August. Still some good severe potential and occasional tornadoes into September. The convective season winds down quickly in October. The autumn season is quite nice color and temp wise. While average high temps drop from the sixties to the fifties in October there usually are many days in the seventies and the occaisonal 80+ day. Low 90's are not unprecedented but rare. Fall color is abundant as the area is home to a wide variety of trees. Yellows, oranges, and reds are common along with the occasional spash of purple from the sugar maples. Numerous parks and day-trips provide great viewing opportunities. My favorite is Interstate Park near Taylors Falls, MN.

Here in eastern ND, the four seasons are quite pronounced but fall color is rather dull. Trees are sparse (which is great for chasing) but the varieties generally only produce yellow color. We make up for it with more blizzards in winter.
I think here in Los Alamos at 7,400 feet (in town) we have a perfect climate with 4 distinct seasons.

Winter is cold and crisp (60 inches of snow in town on average) with less than 5 completely cloudy days. Dec- March temperatures average around 40 during the day and 20 at night.

Spring is very pleasant with little precipitiation and 100% sun almost every day. Temperatures average in the 50s during the day and 30s at night. The wind might kick up (above 25mph sustained) once or twice.

Summers are my favorite time of year. During May and June we have nearly 100% of possible sunshine, absolutely no humidity and temperatures in the 60s-70s during the day and mid 40s at night. July and August transition into the "monsoon" season where it rains around .10 inch during the late afternoon every 3 days or so. Humidity increases but dewpoints never exceed 50F. Temperatures in the summer never reach 90F.

Fall is absolutely georgeous. All the aspens and pecans change to brilliant colors by mid-october in town and the weather is usually perfect to match. Sunny and crisp with highs in the 50s and lows in the low 30s.

2005's average max temp was 61F and average low was 38F....total precip incld. melted snow was 21 inches. If you like each season equally, the high desert of Northern NMX is the place!