Where is ST really headed and what does it need?

Didn't we used to have a temp. membership at one time? As in after someone joined, they were listed as a temp member under their name and for a certain amout of time they could only post in certain areas?? Whatever happened to that? That would certainly help IMO. Since we are giving ideas....how about going a step further and only letting newbies post in certain areas? Such as no posting in the Advanced forum or no posting in the B&G? Not only would this help to curb the noise floor, this would also allow veterans a place to hang out as well as give all newbies incentive.... much like getting your Ham ticket.
I think Chad has also got a good idea with the lottery thing.

Seems to me there are many things we can do to make this place better for all who come. For instance, if you do take away the ability for newbies to post in the Advanced or B&G, then give them something else to look forward to.
Funny how I always get attacked for defending my friends!

This needed to be seen i think.

Just how does that speak highly of me?! If anything, it speaks highly of Shane and Lanny. And I have added constructive crap to the threads, but everytime i do i get hammered down by someone, like you are doing now. I really dont understand why people are being so judgmental of me for being on Lanny and Shanes side, but its really starting to piss me off. Grow up!
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So much for this being a constructive thread.

I say ST should ban anybody who ends sentences with "I'm just sayin'" or "I'm just calling it like I see it." :) :) :)

By that standard, I just set myself up for bannation. :(
Good point Darren, I apologize for going off topic a bit.

FWIW your post and Lannys last posts were both very good ones. I remember that system Lanny is talking about I think. I had to have so many posts before I was allowed to post in certain areas. I'm not sure if that still applies, but if it doesn't I think it should.

The whole point Ive been trying to convey is that its up to us, the members as well as the admin to fix things around here. If people don't like the quality of the posts...then post something of your standard...if it fails then you can at least say you tried.
IDEA: all accounts of users with zero posts, deleted. But make ALL threads readable by non-members. If a person can simply come to the ST website and read everything, there's no disadvantage to not being a member (if you never posted AS a member).

As far as the B&G section, I think it would be an interesting experiment to eliminate it for the entire off-season, and then compare the offseason forum activity as a whole to past years when the B&G was accessible Oct-Feb. I'd wager this place becomes a ghost town.

I'm also liking the "charter members from different backgrounds" conference proposal. The truth is, no forum will ever rival Stormtrack, regardless of its quality or how good/bad ST becomes. I'm very interested in making ST the forum it once was, which was quality and quantity. Maybe times have changed and it just isn't feasible anymore? Or can we right this ship and move forward? I'm certainly willing to do my part, if it would truly make a difference.
IMO, I really don't think the target area should be made viewable to the entire public... :eek:
Too many people are becoming members here that aren't chasers and aren't passionate about chasing. They may have the desire and might go out once or twice, or might be intrigued by the paradigm of chasing they see on TV, but this forum should get back to what it was when I first found it - a forum for CHASERS.

I don't know what to do about that. I came here as a total newb with limited experience, but I came for the desire to learn enough to forecast on my own and to get out in the field on my own and do it often. I'd hate to see people who want to get out and chase, not get the chance to engage on ST simply because they're a newb.

But I am starting to get tired of the non-chasers here who babble and make horrible posts in the target area, with no insight or thoughts of their own about a forecast.
I'll say it again...

Lanny, for someone that moans and complains about ST so much, you sure do continue to post a lot. That tells me one thing...you feed off all the drama, plain and simple.

With your quote saying " IMO, it is a privilage for ST to have me as a member. I truly believe that". It tells me one thing...your full of yourself.

Lanny, I have nothing against you at all, but all the complaining and moaning while continuing to post about how ST sucks is getting old really fast.

EDIT: I do agree with everyone that we should start weeding out folks that are non contributors to this forum. That would be a good start.
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IMO, I really don't think the target area should be made viewable to the entire public... :eek:

I would go a step further..... Make the forecasting and now-cast threads invite only. Let the REPORT area stay open to the public, make the B & G open to the public, and the enthusiasts still have the basic and advanced weather sections. Everyone is happy. Keeping forecast and now-cast semi-"elite" would satisfy those who do not like the "newbs" bringing down quality and gives us a sanctuary to compare ideas and forecasts with our peers whom we already know/respect/trust??? (Invite only to post/viewable by all even if that's what it comes down to)

Making the B & G visible, I believe will promote "family friendliness" as I believe half the issue is people will post anything because they know only adults will see it. Wipe the Bar and Grill clean of every post and start over, completely visible.

Finally, we keep the weather discussion for all to use. This is a place to prove you are learning something and that you have absorbed knowledge from those with a greater understanding of severe weather. Quite frankly why do newer members need posting access to the FCST or NOW threads.( I mean newer by experience, not by membership) I was always under the impression of keep your mouth shut and your eyes open when I am around people that I KNOW know more than I do. It is the same here when I first joined 3 1/2 years ago and applies in my current job at the fire house when I started a year ago. People who want to learn about severe weather need to observe and then ask questions in the weather discussion areas, eliminate the urge to incorrectly post in the forecast thread by not giving them the chance too.

It may not be the fix everyone is looking for, but if I ran ST it is how I would go about handling things after reading and listening to all the issues and complaints with-in the last weeks.

All those SPC forecasts would go bye-bye since the majority of real chasers and forecasters don't need them to chase, as someone else eluded too.
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I'll say it again...

Lanny, for someone that moans and complains about ST so much, you sure do continue to post a lot. That tells me one thing...you feed off all the drama, plain and simple.

With your quote saying " IMO, it is a privilage for ST to have me as a member. I truly believe that". It tells me one thing...your full of yourself.

Lanny, I have nothing against you at all, but all the complaining and moaning while continuing to post about how ST sucks is getting old really fast.

EDIT: I do agree with everyone that we should start weeding out folks that are non contributors to this forum. That would be a good start.

Jason, why do care so much about what I am posting, when I am posting or even how full of myself you think I am?
I simply had an idea that I thought I would share in hopes that this could possibly help this forum. I actually thought this thread was starting to go somewhere, people were throwing ideas out there and it appeared that this was turning into a decent thread that is, until you decided you would post what you think about me as opposed to what could help this forum.
Thanks for your great insight.
I have never had a problem with you and actually thought you were a pretty cool guy until this point.
So becuase I have strong opinions and because I believe in something, I am full of myslef? You certainly make a valid point IMO.
This is who I am Jason, if you dont like me, don't talk to me, don't read my posts....hit that ignore button everyone was talking about. It's really pretty simple.
I hope this thread does not get jacked now...it was not my intention for that to happen.

I "lurked" for years and year before I even filled out the application to become a "member". I really don't see the problem with going back to that. Up until about 2 years ago, this site was an EXCELLENT learning tool. Without a membership, I could see anything that I wanted to see, and you kept the "knowledgable" individuals around without people calling them "dumbasses" or "idiots".

I have seen this site progressively go downhill to the point where the forecast threads are uninformative and a wast of time to even read. Luckily, I was fortunate enough to see the site in it's "prime" and was able to learn considerably from that. I just used this site to verify what I thought was going to happen. But now, I can't even do that.

This site really needs an overhaul.
Idea: Why don't you have some type of meeting involving some of the veteran chasers/meteorologist/on-lookers, discuss the TOS/Management, and maybe come to some agreement ? Select two or three representatives from each group via a lottery ? Then have an online discussion. Get some things hashed out that would make everyone happy.

That might be productive, but only under well-maintained conditions. The last two weeks overall have been highly charged, and while at the moment there seems to be a more conciliatory tone focused on problem-solving, there's a lot that's simmering just below the surface. If this approach is taken, I strongly suggest that an outside moderator skilled in conflict resolution be engaged to keep the discussion on track, help clarify communication, and help establish and maintain ground rules for the engagement. Otherwise, my hunch is that the thing will go down the toilet before it's fifteen minutes old.
Mentioning the SPC outlooks in the forecast thread should be an infraction-able offense. Thats my thought. If ST wants to change policies with quality in mind - lets start with weather noise first and not senseless humor in the B&G. Our resources are focused in the wrong areas.


The noise imho detracts far more from the usefullness of this site than worrying about something in the B & G. Like I said before, if you a real bar bothers you well then you don't go there. If the "bar" here offends you, don't go there and don't complain about it. It's a real simple concept.
Tim, since you wanted suggestions I will add another one:

Perma-ban anyone who tries to moderate but is not an actual moderator. That is what the "report post" button is for. Persons who do this are basically starting a flame war and hiding behind the "I'm just stating the rules crap". It's not their job and they don't do anything but piss people off.
Tim, since you wanted suggestions I will add another one:

Perma-ban anyone who tries to moderate but is not an actual moderator. That is what the "report post" button is for. Persons who do this are basically starting a flame war and hiding behind the "I'm just stating the rules crap". It's not their job and they don't do anything but piss people off.

The flame war was already started (don't say I started it) and it only made matters worse when I posted I was reporting the thread. From here on out I will just hit the report button only.
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