On Wednesday 10/17/07 while chasing NE of OKC, TWICE I was almost rear ended by chasers riding my ass. These were are narrow 2 lane roads without any shoulders on them too. I was running the speed limit 65, with cruise on, and this group came up and rode my ass less than 1 car length away. There were double stripes, and I guess they finally got tired of waiting because they passed me, IN THE DOUBLE STRIPED ZONE going UP A HILL no less!
A little further down the road I was mostly alone and kicked it up about 5 mph over the limit when I saw some vehicles RAPIDLY approaching me from the rear. The blew by me on that same narrow road like I was sitting still, causing me to end up putting the right tires off the road in the wet mud.
Another incident, one chaser quickely stopped DEAD in front of me so fast I nearly hit them, and I had some distance on them. Why did they stop? To turn into a little driveway. NO SIGNALING THEIR INTENT WHATSOEVER!
The final incident I was approaching an intersection that had a pretty good sized road crossing it. The cross traffic had stop signs (the BIG signs) and my road did not. I saw this chaser car coming from the right and realized he wasn't going to stop and slammed on my brakes skidding to a stop barely missing him as he blew through the stop sign and intersection. Had I not been watching him, he would have t-boned and likely killed me!
I went on down the road but was somewhat shaken up by that last incident, and it was getting late in the day, I finally decided it was just getting too dangerous with that sort of driving I was going to give it up. I turned around and headed back west, noticed a tower going up to the west. I went back just short of that same intersection and stopped, hoping the setting sun would make a good photo with that tower building.
While I was sitting there I saw a group of chase cars come blowing through that same stop sign a that intersection and never even slowed down.
All of these cars were CLEARLY chase cars. Decked out with antennas and/or stickers. All had OK plates, however things happened so fast I didn't get any plates. They are lucky I didn't or didn't have my video camera on. If I recognized them I would be calling you out here right now. You guys know who you are, you could have killed me a half a dozen times with your stupid NASCAR wannabe driving skills.
This crap HAS TO STOP people!