Waiting Game

My wife is out driving and just called saying, "Hey. There's a monster mushroom thunderstorm cloud to the north! Maybe you can see it. I wish I had the camera!...."

Well, the condo doesn't have any windows facing that way I can get to because I'm still basically flat on the recliner recuperating from ankle surgery. That's how some of my season has gone.... :(
I'm getting a very mixed blessing here in Dallas-Fort Worth. I've had rain and thundershowers for a few hours almost every day in the last week. But that's it. Yeah, there's been some thunder and lightning and wind gusts, but no significant cloud formations. While I am happy for the rain, it's all really a big tease. I sit here like an idiot staring at the radar all day just hoping against hope that one of those cells has some substance in it. And when they arrive, I go outside and stare at the sky like an idiot hoping that there is actually something different in the sky than was on the radar.

It's like a topless bar. All look, but no touch. :?
I think I've about declared EOS for me.... this year just sucked badly. It's already August and there's just nothing happening. Bermuda highs suck. Never in my life do I recall having such a dull storm season. 2 chases and only one was successful (June 14th squall line). Wish I could see a lack of this smoggy muggy heat instead. Hottest and smoggiest summer on record.

But every chaser has their bad year, and this year was mine... as I always say, "there's always next year".... funny how each year seems to get worse after saying that :? Maybe I should try reverse phsycology on Mother Nature? LOL. Watch... southern Ontario will get a big outbreak in 2006 when I will be out in the plains :twisted:

edited because I can't spell
Well, considering it was autumn where I was while this season was going on, I am really hoping for some good mini-season action in October. The last time I saw really good supercellular convection was May 29, 2004. So yeah, definitely keeping my fingers crossed. I'd be happy with a little gustnado or maybe some reasonably sized hail (though not on my car).
When storms are in doubt... I pursue fun day trips for photography. My latest trip covered some of the hot spots (really need 2 days) in NW OK including the Great Salt Plains NWR/State Park and the Glass Mountains.



Awesome Pics...When I get some time off work here in the next couple of weeks I might take a little road trip and snap some photos just to knock some of the dust off the cameras and get my mind off the SDS for a while. My destination will likely be Southern Missouri/Northern Arkansas. I'd like to get some shots of the lakes and other stuff, and maybe get some fishing time in as well.
Rob, you are not alone in the DFW area as I done likewise past several days. While lightning has been quite frequent with these afternoon storms, few CGs were visible beyond the precipitation cores; nice shows nonetheless. And to top off the tease, most of the sunset opportunities failed to materialize either because the majority of clouds dissipated or the sunlight was blocked by cloud cover in the west. But, hey, at least some relief from heat and drought was provided. Looking forward to hopefully some Fall activity.
The only bit of excitement I have gotten out of the recent showers was a couple of days ago. I was on my front porch with my mother watching the rain when we were blinded by a VERY close lightning strike with a thunderburst which followed almost immediately. It scared my mother so badly that she literally jumped ON my back. Unfortunately, I have a broken knee, so that was a little uncomfortable! :shock:

Watching the news later, I saw that particular lightning strike destroyed a house a couple of miles away.
I believe 2005 was my best year. I didn't go out that many times, but it only took a few storms that were prolific producers to make the difference.

The difference is this year the jet actually stayed further south for a longer period of time than it had the last 4 or so years. Northern chasers have gotten spoiled thinking all the activity was going to go and stay in IA, MN, SD, NE. They got a little activity this year but I think the best was finally further south as it is 'supposed' to be.

Additionally I usually quit chasing early June because I don't want to drive all the way to Canada every week on a 2 day chase. Having the storms closer down in Tx allowed me to chase these better events.

I still haven't posted all my pictures, video, or accounts of these events. I will in the near future though.

Sorry the rest of you feel left out. But I felt the same way last few years during the bonanzas in SD and IA late in the season when I decided to stay home. Only way to get around this is to chase them all, and to do it all the way from March to July.