There are some amazingly selfish and, IMO, stupid attitudes towards this going on here. Hopefully it's not as prevalent as I think it is, but let me have a shot at this: you're one in probably close to one hundred chasers filming the same storm. The radar truck maybe only one of one which can accomplish the mission it's out to do. You happen to be parked in the one in maybe five spots that the radar truck can park (within a mile area or so); meanwhile, your vehicle can park almost anywhere given it's not in the roadway. And you won't move? I'm sorry, given that you have that knowledge and you don't move you're just being a dick. That's fine...I understand, I'm a bit of an ass myself...but really, get over yourself.
And just for a record, I don't think this will be a problem as most people are courteous and understand the limitations of trying to park a radar truck in rural counties.
And as far as owing something as a reason to move or not to move: what a crock of BS. And steamy BS at that. There's not one chaser out there who can't say they don't owe anything to the field of meteorology. A lot of meteorologists work their butts off on forecasts, models and collecting obs, and the the webpages to bring you all of those things for free. So yeah, you do owe maybe a little and you might ask those people what they want more: your video or that radar truck's data.
Interesting quote and thought process....the idea that we (chasers) should move if asked so that a radar truck might be able to gain vantage on a given situation and in the same breath requesting respect for meteorologists for simply doing their basic job functions!?!?
Please correct me if I am wrong but is that not what we pay them for? (our tax dollars) unless of course they are in the private sector and then all the "rules" change, but of course this is not private sector....and I for one am appalled at the thoughts of some of the "educated" people who feel that this undertaking is or will be the "be all end all" for tornado forecasting.
Understanding that while it is true that we learned some from the first project, we have all no doubt heard/seen (through major networks) the DOW units floating around year after year trying to collect data and in quite a few occasions actually doing so successfully. Where is that data?
What have we learned from that data? Being paid to roam around the country (by a major network) and trying to label it science is wrong.... does not matter how you slice the butter......lets call a spade a spade.
Now we have Vortex 2 with a major budget the likes of which we "common
chasers" ie. (non know the ones...the ones who gave video, time, reports, true ground truth reports all using our own hard earned money I might add) have never seen asking that we move our vehicles so as to give the radar trucks a better view.....I say where is the logic in that?
I wonder why no one has really asked the true question IMO,
what did we really learn from Project Vortex (1) and how did we apply what we learned to tornado forecasting today?
11 or 12 hypothisis regarding tornado genesis which no one named scientist can or will agree on just does not cut it for me.....and in saying so, this no doubt has an effect on what I would say or do if asked to move my vehicle so that a DOW unit or the like could have a better vantage....
I do not owe the meteorological field anything....none of us do.
They have and are simply doing the job we have employed them to do, anyting else is just a bonus.
To think otherwise puts our thought process the same as the companies who's CEOs decided that balloon payments were really needed and we all see just where that got us.
I know this may sound a little harsh but I am guessing that the "yahoos" who have paid who knows how much money to drive 500 miles to see a storm/tornado would probably have the same message.....
"I am not ****ing moving so that your radar truck has a better field of view, you should have been here 10 minutes ago"
Please keep in mind that I consider myself a yahoo chaser and am very comfortable with that, furthermore I would almost request any DOW unit or support vehicle ask me to move, as a small business owner, one which relies on severe weather as means to my livlihood....I might just tell them to kindly **** off.
I have just as much right to be out there as the "educated guy"