Verizon Acquires Millenicom

May 1, 2004
Springfield, IL
Millenicom has been a nice option for obtaining Verizon data at rates cheaper than what's available through Verizon, but it looks like the jig is up. Verizon has acquired Millenicom with a message to current users stating they'll be in touch with plan options. I assume that means less data or a significant price increase to parallel the regular Verizon no contract data plans.
Yeah, I purchased a grandfathered Verizon unlimited data plan for $100/month. Hopefully the guy I bought that though didn't have an old plan though Millenicom
Yeah, I purchased a grandfathered Verizon unlimited data plan for $100/month.

It's funny that people think $100/mo is a great deal for a phone plan. If I didn't get my family plan subsidized through work, I'd be outside of Verizon's offices with a torch and a pitchfork.
Anyone else offer contract free and no roaming data plans?
Verizon does directly, as long as you purchase or bring your own device. Millenicom really only filled a niche role where it was a bit cheaper if you needed really high (20 GB) data caps. For normal users who can do with 4-6 GB/mo., though, this shouldn't be a big deal; Verizon's tablet and modem/hotspot plans continue to be pretty fair.
I had been thinking of buying a hotspot device (I previously had usb stick) and buying their plan again (now that I have new job), but I guess not. I live where I can't get internet at my house from cable, etc. Hard to believe I was paying $60/month for 20 gigs, and now it is $130/month through Verizon now. Probably just buy internet for the months I am chasing now, and have nothing at the house. I can check email at a coffee shop.
We can only hope Verizon's double the data promotion will catch on and it will trickle down to the lower cap plans. I've started to *really* consider cutting cable internet out of our Xfinity plan with the speeds LTE can achieve, but the Verizon caps have me putting the scissors back in the junk drawer for now.
Dear Chasers

I'm not sure what to do about this . Millinicom was the one I was using to get the 20gb of data for storm season. Then I called the other day to check on the antenna that they offered and was told that Verizon had basically taken them over because they were not doing certain things the way they should have been done. They will still offer the 20gb a month but only till about the end of DEC or early Jan to users of millinicom if you sign up for the new plan. Which I think is crap and I think Verizon is out to screw the storm chasing community. There offering the 20gb plan but here is the catch ready !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it can only be turned off for about 6 months... after that it has to be reactivated and the price has gone up anyone want to guess how much ?????????? $99.99 a month. So picture this your now paying $99.99 a month for this right and it can only be off for 6 months at a time so some of the other months when you don't need it guess what THATS RIGHT YOU WILL GET A BILL SAYING PAY THIS BILL BECAUSE IT'S REACTIVATED and we know you don't need it but that is they way we roll at verizon !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. has anyone else been told this by them ?????????????????? I'm not sure what to do about this and I'm not happy about this at all can you tell at&t has a hotspot plan that is more money but there offering me 30gb in the plan . So WHAT DO I DO ??????????????????????????????????????????. please let me know what do you guys think about this and what do you suggest that I do for data for 2015 and beyond.

Shawn C.
Verizon has a no-contract 5gb/month plan for $50 for a 4G LTE aircard. You'd need to buy the device though unless you did a 2-year plan. I'd think you could find a used one somewhere. The days of getting the likes of 20GB for fast, good and cheap data are over. Unfortunately Verizon is the only carrier who has good coverage in the Plains (at last check).
Dear Skip

I was wondering something OK I spoke to Verizon and they are offering a pay as you go plan for chasing basically you can activate when you want and cut it off when you want it's 10gb a month instead of 30gb which I think is just wrong but that is the only plan available to anyone who wants to just use it for about 4 or 5 months out of the year this is not counting July through Dec of 2015 so my question is very simple do you think that 10gb is enough to use chasing each month from march through July 1,2015 or would at&t be a better way to go ?????????. I await a reply when you get the time to do so.

Shawn Camp


10GB should be plenty, providing you're not binging on Youtube videos and streaming Netflix movies while waiting for the cap to break. I rarely go over 10GB, even during heavy chase months. The times I have were prmarily because I got into the habit of watching a few too many Youtube videos during periods of roadside downtime/boredom.
Dear Dan

Thank you for getting back to me on the 10gb issue. I appreciate it alot. I may go ahead and use there pay as you go service this coming season. But why they do not have more gb for use to all use and enjoy is beyond me !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. I hope as we move into the future that more companies will begin to give the chaser community better options. OK on that same note I have wait for it ANOTHER QUESTION ????????????????. ok before I spend over $30.00 on accessories for my MHS291L Verizon jet pack there are 2 things that are suppose to make the signal better a antenna and a adapter cable to the antenna I would like to know if anyone has used this and if these 2 things are any good at all here they are

Adapter Cable for Verizon Wireless UM175 USB and USB727 Modems

2/ 5 (7 Reviews) and the antenna
SKU #MAGLTEANT Verizon antenna and the modem usb cable sku # for the other
SKU #PCCAB-727 Verizon modem cable usb

if anyone can check on these 2 things and let me know I would appreciate it very much.

Shawn Camp

It seems that the Millenicom Jetpacks were rendered inoperable...ours will turn on, but go no further and you cant turn it off without removing the battery...a couple of other sites people said that they suddenly didnt work... We tried to put another sim in and no go, Verizon couldnt do anything with it the question is what to get...

because we dont live in the US we dont have a SSN and can't get a plan and the 5510 and 6620 (which are both backwards compatible all the way back to EVDO) are either $200 to buy outright (6620) or out of stock(5510) the meantime we have got an Ellipsis 4G (which isn't backwards compatible) ......anyone have a working 5510 they dont need and might like to sell?