Danny Neal
I have to strongly disagree. The whole mission of the NWS is to save lives. If the emergency text works, they need to use it! What's the point of telling EMS, First responders, etc. there's a violent tornado coming - and not inform the public as well? The public has to know - that is the whole reason the NWS saved lives on May 4th. If something goes wrong, sure they'll be blamed. If something goes right, then they saved lives. I'll take 50 false alarms if 1 right one saves 1 life. If the forecaster knows there is a tornado emergency - a near 100% chance of a strong/violent tor hitting a populated area - and does NOT broadcast it, and lives are lost, that forecaster has no one to blame but himself.
I strongly agree with you, there is no question about that. I should have said they should contact every counties EM before the storm approaches and let them know the situation before the storm even strikes, so that when a tornado warning or emergency is issued they are already prepared for a first alert response. That way the last people being warned is the general public and even then they have 20-30 mins of time before the worst of the storm impacts them. Seems to me like the Tornado Emergency call made alot of those people who say "it aint gonna happen" really get down to cover on May 4th. Although it was issued about 10 mins before the tornado struck, that is still alot of time for you to get your loved ones and run to shelter. I hate to see this phrase overused however.