Joey Ketcham
Tell me, do you guys insist to have the background of someone telling you that the next house is on fire before you believe that there is a problem there?
You can't even compare the two, Dave. There is no house and there is no fire.
You've come to us with this scientific theory of yours, if you want to establish credibility than you need to start by telling us who you are and what your credentials are. It would make a world of difference to know if the person telling us the theory is someone with a PH.d in Atmospheric Science and has worked as a Climatologist for 30 years for NOAA, or some kid who just graduated high school and taking some online courses at Mississippi State who thinks he has the answer to everything.
You refuse to provide us any personal information about who you are, what your credentials are, where you're from, what line of work you're in. All things that would add credibility to your theory. And then when I search your name on Google I only get 7 hits. I'm sorry, but I call complete and utter BS on this.