Tony Laubach
Kansas hands down; Colorado #2; Texas #3.
I know Shane won't like the results so far. He hates it when Oklahoma doesn't get any respect. LOL
So far we had 90 replies and this is the classification.
And the winner is: KANSAS!!
1 Kansas
2 Texas
3 Nebraska
4 Oklahoma
5 Iowa
6 Colorado-South Dakota-North Dakota
7 Minnesota- Illinois
8 Missouri
9 New Mexico
LOL, I'm used to it. Seriously, what bothers me is all the people who say it's crap are the people who've only been around the past five-six years. People tend to love the places they themselves have had good luck, and blow off the places they haven't. That would be like me saying Iowa sucks because I've never seen anything there. Which of course is silly. But it's all relative, states don't take things personally, and I don't care where my tornadoes come from. I just love to chase.
The thing that still makes me laugh is seeing the legions of chasers in OK every time there's a slight risk. Quite a feat to be the most-hated and most-chased state at the same time
In 1999 it would've been OK
In 2000 it would've been Iowa
In 2001 it would've been Minnesota
In 2002-2003 it would've been South Dakota
I love these polls, because they are excellent indicators of what area's been hot recently.
Shane I can agree with you, but we are talking about chasing territory in general not about the best place where it happened something good in these last years. The poll regards only the territory that you rate fine when you chase IE the place that geographically you like more when you go chasing.
Yeah, but Shane's point is that Kansas could have won the poll because it was the Chase State of the Year last year and did pretty well in 04. Is Kansas the best state overall because the whole state is chaseable? Probably. But would Kansas have won this poll--i.e, would people have been just as apparently objective--if other states had the better tornado action in recent years? We don't know either way.
I like Nebraska because that's where I've had success, as well as finding it beautiful for reasons I don't totally understand. That's where I'd rather chase. However, the Sandhills pose a road problem that Kansas doesn't. So, I ought to have rated Kansas over Nebraska... but I didn't. So acknowledging one type of subjectivity, who knows how objective we are being here, or, in the end, do we even care to be objective.
The best chase territory is next to an isolated classic supercell west of I-35