The best chasing territory

Wich chasing territory do you prefer?

  • North Dakota

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • South Dakota

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Minnesota

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Texas

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Oklahoma

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Iowa

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Colorado

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • New Mexico

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
I voted Texas. You simply can't beat the chase territory between Amarillo and Lubbock (better known as the Llano Estacado). Flat as a pancake with good road options.
I voted Texas, too. The Caprock rules!! Anywhere from north and west of Childress, as far south as Lubbock. The road network is near perfect and the lack of hills and trees makes visibility near perfect also. Southern Kansas would be a close second for the same reasons.
I suppose this all boils down to what, when, terrain/visibility, road network, frequency of stroms, and perhaps natural beuaty. I chose NE as it has a potentially longer season, generally good terrain and road options, a high tornado frequency, and a season that favors a bit slower moving storms than further south. It was a coin flip between NE and KS.
I voted Kansas because its "flat as a pancake," and the winter wheat fields are awesome for evapotranspiration later on in Spring. West TX/caprock are ok but there are big hills and plateaus near Amarillo and the mesquite just doesn't quit to the south near Lubbock. I'm surprised western OK didn't get more love.
I voted for Kansas although I don't really know why. :huh:

Besides - my pick for this year so far wasn't included in the choices. (Arkansas B) ). You can't overlook the Plains of Arkansas (yes - A-r-k-a-n-s-a-s :lol: ) in the east of the state.......flat as a nice as the Texas Panhandle and there's civilization out there, too. Which is a plus.

I voted Kansas to because you have good visibility to observe storms. I've chased up along southern Nebraska and the areas I was in were just as nice as well.. don't know if it's like that with the whole state or not.
Every state in the poll has its good area to chase including some thats not mentioned.Being from missouri i agree with karen that eastern arkansas has some very good areas to chase as so does southeastern missouri both not in the poll.Everybody would agree the panhandles of texas and oklahoma are very special and how could you forget the area east of denver.But overall kansas has the best terrane IMO if you look at the states in whole.I also find it hard to believe that illinois is not included in the poll.
It's extremely difficult to vote by state, since almost every state has good and bad chase territories. For exam, I'll take parts of northeastern TX (between I35 and Paris) and southwestern MO over parts of southcentral OK (between I35 and I44) and northwestern OK. Southeastern OK is rough, but I'm sure there are 'good' spots. Much of KS is good, but I know there are 'rough' spots. When you're following an awesome supercell, you may get lucky and be able to stay on good roads, regardless of where the supercell is.

My point? Each state has good and bad areas (in terms of chasing). Each area of the state has yet smaller good and bad areas (mostly determine by roads). Each smaller area has good and bad spots depending upon things like small forest areas and roads. For example, you can be in a horrible area, yet find an awesome road that follows atop a hill and gives you excellent views.

On the whole, KS is good, but I've always had bad luck with random, unforeseen (i.e. no prior signs) road construction or "bridge outs". This almost killed me on 6-12-04 (well, not literally, but in terms of positioning), and has affected other chases as well.
Every state in the poll has its good area to chase including some thats not mentioned.Being from missouri i agree with karen that eastern arkansas has some very good areas to chase as so does southeastern missouri both not in the poll.Everybody would agree the panhandles of texas and oklahoma are very special and how could you forget the area east of denver.But overall kansas has the best terrane IMO if you look at the states in whole.I also find it hard to believe that illinois is not included in the poll.

You're right Jim. I forgot to include Illinois. If the moderator wants he could add Illinois to the poll.
About Missouri and Arkansas I didn't want to include'em because of the restrected portion of territory chaseable. As to me it is suffcient to mention it in a separated post in this thread.
I too voted KS, for some of the same reasons listed above. The road networks, and visibility are unbeatable. Oklahoma would have been my second choice because it's so flat, and you can see for miles on end out there.
I love Kansas! :D

I know Shane won't like the results so far. He hates it when Oklahoma doesn't get any respect. LOL

Here is my map of favored chase areas. The black dots represent trees, the black clusters represent hell.


Scott Currens