"Tensions Grow Between Tornado Scientists and Storm Chasers"

I'm neutral on Wurman, and Reed too for that matter. That being said, I find it interesting hearing about V2's troubles but Reed's one vehicle and the increased maneuverability that comes with it seems to be paying off. I realize they are after different data sets, but maybe Wurman et al could take away something from Reed's success like downsizing for better mobility?

For those unsure what I'm talking about the 'dominator' apparently intercepted one this week and shot some probes using some kind of probe cannon lol. Not trying to turn this into a Reed thread, just saying he seems to be doing some pretty interesting things. Oh and since I already said I realize they may be after different data sets, any minute now someone will be along to point out that they are after different data sets ;)
I believe as noob myself and hindering on science that could save lives, i believe all chasers without proper communications to nws or of any official capacity should move over for V2 and maybe V3 in the future.

After hearing and seeing the pics of the chase convergence, it's ridiculous and will end up someone getting hurt or killed.


I think your perspective is clouded at best. I was out on several days this year when we came across V2. It was really no big deal. For the most part they were not where the chasers really wanted to be. They are out on picket duty with the mesonets and the radars stand off a good distance so it isn't a problem. If you chase like we do you are going to be on the county road grid and close into the meso. V2 wasn't there so it really wasn't a problem. The real issue is pre storm. We were in Limon CO a week or so back and were out playing football waiting for initiation as we got there early. We saw V2 rolling in and we repositioned to make sure we didn't get caught in their convergence. It just takes a little thinking and planning.

As far as Josh's comments I really think it is a tempest in a tea pot. One thing I have learned with age (not that old, but...) is that the opinion of others is really not that big of a deal. Who cares what he says or thinks? Sure people that follow the Discovery channel and maybe TWC will buy into his thinking but those of us that actually get out there don't care what he thinks and spend more time trying to figure out how to stay out of their convergence than anything else. I for one hoped the best for V2 and appreciate the effort. That said, the only reason for the convergence on the 19th was proximity to OKC, the TWC live feed, and Josh's own efforts to promote whatever it is that he thinks is important. Anyone that was out there that day knows darn good and well it was not a chaser convergence it was a locals / TWC / people close to OKC that thought what the heck and gave it a try convergence. Take away the TWC coverage of V2 and it would never have happened. I will be happy to take bets that it doesn't happen again next year because there will be no coverage and the storms will be left to those of us that forecast and chase.

Again, this is much a do about nothing. Josh will go back to his hole and try to re up with Discovery. V2 is done and we won't have that problem again in the near future. Without mainstream coverage we just go back to the normal convergence that we see in OK in May. It is a bit of a pain, but not too bad.

One last thought. Think of the picture that was posted in the other thread with 300+ vehicles on the road as that HP mess wound down. First question is why were they there. Second question is where would Josh expect them to go? Just disappear? There is no room for that and it couldn't have happened. He got what he deserved and what he created. Sure maybe V2 suffered from it but that is on him, not the chasers.

For the record, my team was headed south at a pretty good clip before that convergence happened. That storm was toast and there was nothing to see. We knew it, He knew it, and anyone that chases knew it. Whose problem is it that Josh was still sitting under it?

This discussion gets hashed and rehashed many many times every offseason, then comes back up every time chaser convergence hits. All I'm saying is go through the prior threads before taking yet another one off-topic.

How is stating an opinion like that taking this topic off topic? Aren't we talking about spotter convergence and the ramifications that can and probably will happen some day?
I believe as noob myself and hindering on science that could save lives, i believe all chasers without proper communications to nws or of any official capacity should move over for V2 and maybe V3 in the future.

After hearing and seeing the pics of the chase convergence, it's ridiculous and will end up someone getting hurt or killed.

Its hard to say such blanket statements if you werent in that situation like many of us were. TO be honest even if we wanted to "get out of the way" of the V2 guys there really want any way to do it. The road we were all on was a narrow 2 lane road with no real shoulder to pull over on most of the time except wet grass and there were lots of rolling hills with no passing lanes. The V2 guys didnt just drive nonstop down the road they stopped frequently and the meso units went back and forth numerous times. the only way everybody else could have gotten out of the way was to pretty well just brak off and leave the storm which we all know wasnt going to happen.

This was a perfect storm of a bad situation. Small 2 lane road on a high risk day with only 1 tornadic supercell near OKC with TWC broadcasting V2's location and the local tv stations giving a live play by play of exactly where the tornado was. At least half the cars out there that day were local yahoos not chasers trying to capture their own video and be a "chaser". The rest of the year it wasnt really a problem. Even if every chaser avoided that storm V2 would have still had the problem thanks to locals and local media. Josh helped create this issue so he has no right to whine like a spoiled baby about the consequences now.
I have the highest respect for researchers and follow their work with interest and wish them well but if the goal is to save lives then the goal has already been reached.


Who are "THEY"? Aside from Josh, who are all of these researchers that "detest" chasers? Other than bringing up the potential for chaser convergence (which is something that most individual chasers do as well), I don't recall a single meeting in which PIs talked about their dislike of chasers.
Correct me if am wrong, but wasn't the Huge Convergence located on East bound Highway 33, coming into the OKC metro area?? I started out in El-Reno that day, with Highway 81 for my North/South, and I40 for my East/West. As soon as I heard the report of a funnel being spotted on the Cell, that would later drop the Hennessey Tube, I flew North on 81 to 2 miles North of Hennessey, where I would watch 3/4 of the entire life cycle of the Hennessey Tornado. I didn't have one problem on highway 51 Eastbound all the way till I35. Yes, there were plenty of people out and about gawking at the storm. But, when I notice people standing still, that's when I usually make the call get back out in front again. I didn't see the massive convergence until I was on 33 east of I35.
This is all pretty damn pointless if ya ask me. Who gives a rip if Wurman dosen't care for chasers or what we offer. I'm gonna chase till they make it illegal and then I'm probabaly still gonna chase.

Bottom line, stop the damn crying and moaning! All of us. All this thread is doing is causing more and more tension. Go catch a tornado and relax. There's nothing anyone can do about this issue. There's some pretty intelligent meteoroligists encouraging this thread along that need to shut thier pie holes.

Next year on Discovery Channel, CHASE WARS!!!
Next year on Discovery Channel, CHASE WARS!!!

I envison the standard chase vehicle being equipped with oil slick guns in the rear and rocket launchers on the front. Maybe a mobile data jammer and a reflecting mirror to wash out the shots of those filming/photographing with sunlight.

I might tune in then :D
This is all pretty damn pointless if ya ask me. Who gives a rip if Wurman dosen't care for chasers or what we offer. I'm gonna chase till they make it illegal and then I'm probabaly still gonna chase.

Bottom line, stop the damn crying and moaning! All of us. All this thread is doing is causing more and more tension. Go catch a tornado and relax. There's nothing anyone can do about this issue. There's some pretty intelligent meteoroligists encouraging this thread along that need to shut thier pie holes.

Next year on Discovery Channel, CHASE WARS!!!

I'll try and be "nice" this time... Your post reeks of the arrogance that is bugging people. It's NOT pointless... In my opinion, this whole thread is not about chaser convergence, it's about the attitude displayed by chasers and researchers. Yes, it's only a very small number of people who walk around thinking they're better than other chasers, but I'll make my point again ---EVERY person out there deserves respect, whether it's some high school kid or a PH.d for VORTEX. That's what the issue is about -- Wurman has a right to his opinion, but he does not have the right to degrade anyone out there.
I'll try and be "nice" this time... Your post reeks of the arrogance that is bugging people. .

Thats not very nice...

I'm the least arrogant person I know. What my post should "reek" of is disgust that this thread has made it this far Jeff. I love to chase. Nothing will ever change this and this topic is far from the love myself or anyone puts into the chase. This topic has reached the point of high school drama queen status. Your reaction to my post proves this.